From: Sunil Mishra
Subject: Re: lex/yacc for Lisp
Message-ID: <>
In article <·········> ········ (Kai Zimmermann) writes:

\\ Michael Alan Schaeffer (······· wrote:
\\ : 	Hello, I'm in my school's compiler class, and, as would be
\\ : expected, we have an assignment to develop a compiler.  Since I was
\\ : considering writing this thing in Lisp, I was wondering if there are
\\ : any parser generation tools for Lisp (like lex and yacc) for C.
\\ : Thanks for any input.
\\ Hi Mike.
\\ Check out Digitools ftp site and other net ressources like the AI repository.
\\ I found several lalr parser generators on Digitool's MCL CD,
\\ so I guess you will find them on the ftp site.
\\ You're welcome
\\ Kai

I was looking for something that would do this for me when I was working
on writing an HTML parser. However, I could find nothing that would do
character level lexing efficiently. I ended up writing the whole damned
lexer by hand, which thankfully was not that complicated. HTML has a
relatively simple format.

If you can prove me wrong on this (with a specific reference), I would love
