Subject: Mixing Lisp code and C/C++ code
Message-ID: <>

  I'm looking for a Common Lisp System (preferably running on Unix machines)
where I can easily mix Lisp code with C/C++ code. I would like to have the
code of Lisp functions transferred into C/C++ code that I can compile with a
conventional C/C++ compiler and then use together with other C/C++ code.

On top of that it would be nice (but that's not really necessary) to write new
lisp primitives in C/C++ code that I can use in that Common Lisp system.

So far I have tried quite a few freely avaible systems that promise do
the things I described. But there is an enormous lack of documentation (eg
how are parameters/arguments passed to the called Lisp function?); with one
system I even succeeded to compile the well-known "Hello World!" program, but
then I couldn't get any further because the produced C code was not readable
at all.

Reply to this message here or send email to ·······
(email preferred).

Thanks in advance.

Hartmut Becker
email: ·······
From: Pierre Parquier
Subject: Re: Mixing Lisp code and C/C++ code
Message-ID: <>
In article <··········> ······· (HARTMUT BECKER) writes:

hb>  I'm looking for a Common Lisp System (preferably running on Unix
hb>  machines) where I can easily mix Lisp code with C/C++ code.

"ILOG Talk" is a Lisp dedicated to the development in Lisp with C++
libraries (including your extensions).  

It is not Common Lisp (smaller footprint, modular runtime, simpler,
etc), but it is definitely in the same familly of Lisp dialects (an
extension of ISO standard).  You can get it for free on Linux (1), or
buy it for Unix and Windows (2).

Hope you'll enjoy!

Pierre Parquier

(1) Please check
    or on sunsite
    or any sunsite mirror

(2) Please check