From: Thorsten Schnier
Subject: CMU and Ultra-sparcs (was: CMU lisp and Solaris 2.5.1)
Message-ID: <nr3f0zf7iw.fsf@duich.i-have-a-misconfigured-system-so-shoot-me>
Hi all !

I have to follow-up my own request, because it now looks as if
the problem with CMU lisp is not caused by the solaris update, but
by the fact that I have switched to an ultra-sparc.

The new question therefore is if anyone is using CMU lisp on an 
ultra-sparc, and what I have to do to get it working.

(if you didn't see my original post, I get the following error:

segv_handler: No mapping fault: 0x00978000
segv_handler: Recursive no mapping fault (stack overflow?)


       \    C                                       
        \   O                                          Thorsten Schnier
         \  M                       
     /\   \ P                            Key Centre of Design Computing
    /     / U                                      University of Sydney
    \    /  T                                                  NSW 2006
     \  /   I                      
      \/    N                                   ········ 
    DESIGN  G            
  key centre