From: Robin Stephenson
Subject: Emacs/lisp/Gnus: ps-print-buffer on *Article*
Message-ID: <>
I've been trying to write a simple function to print the Gnus
*Article* buffer using the ps-print-buffer-with-faces function:

(defun gnus-print-article ()
  "Print the *Article* with subject in left header."
  (if (get-buffer "*Article*")
	(set-buffer "*Article*")
	(setq ps-left-header (list 'gnus-summary-article-subject))

I can't see anything wrong with this, but running it produces an error
`Invalid function: (macro . #[(&optional number) "', followed by a
chunk of byte-code.  I don't know how to get emacs to use ps-print.el
rather than ps-print.elc, so I won't post the backtrace unless anyone
thinks it'd be useful.  Can any (lisp|Gnus) people see what I'm doing
wrong from the code?
  I'm using Emacs 19.30.1, Solaris 2.5, Gnus v5.3, ps-print version
2.8.  Speaking of which, is Red Gnus `stable enough' to upgrade to
yet?  Cheers, Robin.

Robin Stephenson - send mail with subject `send pgp key' for my key
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