From: Naresha Dhamayantha SOYSA
Subject: "Help Please - format "
Message-ID: <53ncvk$>
Hi Everyone,

Please help me with the following as it is causing me severe problems.
I have the following line in some code I was using some time ago:

(setq display-row (format nil "~A[1A                                           ~A[~DD" (code-char 27) (code-char 27) 43)))

And it worked perfectly well.
However, I'm now using a different interpreter (CLISP), and it gives
the following error when reading in that line from a file:

*** - READ from #<STRING-CHAR-FILE-STREAM #"display">: an object cannot start with #\)

The strange thing is , it works fine when I type in the line, or just highlight and paste it (at the lisp interpreter command prompt).
Does anyone know why the interpreter spits the dummy when that line is in a file? And is there any way to get around it?

Any help is much appreciated.
Thanx in advance
