From: Louis Howell
Subject: Recursive Benchmark in 14 Languages
Message-ID: <>
I've put up a half-serious benchmark page with comparisons of a simple
recursive algorithm implemented using 14 different programming languages.
All times were measured on a Pentium machine running Linux (except for
MSWLogo), using free compilers and interpreters.  For some languages I
tried more than one implementation, which is why there are more than 14
entries listed.

Here is the list, arranged from fastest to slowest:

Gnu C++ (Template Metaprogram)
Gnu C
P2C Pascal Translator
Algol 60 to C Translator
CMU Common Lisp
Gnu Common Lisp
MIT Scheme
MIT Scheme without Numerics
Scheme 48
P4 Pascal P-code Interpreter
Emacs Lisp
Gnu Awk
Algol 60 Interpreter
UCB Logo
MSW Logo
Pascal in Logo
Lisp in Awk

The speeds measured covered a full six orders of magnitude, and that's
without trying to count the template metaprogram (which solves the entire
problem at compile time).

Louis Howell

From: Brian Raiter
Subject: Re: Recursive Benchmark in 14 Languages
Message-ID: <57dkbs$>
Louis Howell <······>:

> I've put up a half-serious benchmark page with comparisons of a simple
> recursive algorithm implemented using 14 different programming languages.
> [...]

Take note, all: this page is very cuspy.

From: Fergus Henderson
Subject: Re: Recursive Benchmark in 14 Languages
Message-ID: <57oll6$>
Louis Howell <······>:
> I've put up a half-serious benchmark page with comparisons of a simple
> recursive algorithm implemented using 14 different programming languages.
> [...]

Never one to resist a benchmark, I tried this in Mercury.
On my Linux box compiling the Mercury program with `mc -O6'
resulted in code that was only a wee bit (2.7%) slower than
the C code compiled with `gcc -O3'.

However, the C code generated by `gcc -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer'
is 29% faster than that generated by `-O3'.

Anyway, I was happy that the Mercury code was only about 33% slower
than the C, given that the current Mercury compiler backend technology
isn't very well suited to architectures with a small number of registers.
I tried the same test on an Alpha box, and Mercury was in fact 17% faster
than `gcc -O3' with or without `-fomit-frame-pointer'.  The DEC C compiler
didn't do any better than gcc.

One thing I did notice was that your C program was buggy (for example,
if you run it without any arguments, it gets a segmentation violation). 
The equivalent error is very difficult to make in Mercury -- the
closest Mercury equivalent to the buggy C code would be illegal Mercury
code, and the Mercury compiler would catch the error at compile time.

(I've attached the C and Mercury versions of this benchmark below.)

Fergus Henderson <···>   |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW: <>   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger ···@         |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

:- module change.
:- interface.
:- import_module io.

:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.

:- implementation.
:- import_module int, string, float.

:- func first_denomination(int) = int.
first_denomination(Kinds_of_coins) =
  (if (Kinds_of_coins = 1) then
  else if (Kinds_of_coins = 2) then
  else if (Kinds_of_coins = 3) then
  else if (Kinds_of_coins = 4) then

:- func cc(int, int) = int.
cc(Amount, Kinds_of_coins) =
  (if (Amount = 0) then
  else if (Amount < 0 ; Kinds_of_coins = 0) then
    cc(Amount - first_denomination(Kinds_of_coins), Kinds_of_coins) +
		   cc(Amount, Kinds_of_coins - 1)

:- func cc_tail(int, int, int) = int.
cc_tail(Amount, Kinds_of_coins, Count) =
  (if (Amount = 0) then
    Count + 1
  else if (Amount < 0 ; Kinds_of_coins = 0) then
    cc_tail(Amount - first_denomination(Kinds_of_coins),
                   cc_tail(Amount, Kinds_of_coins - 1, Count))

:- func count_change(int) = int.
count_change(Amount) =
  cc(Amount, 5).
  cc_tail(Amount, 5, 0).

main -->
  (if { Args = [Num] } then
    (if { string__to_int(Num, N), N >= 0 } then
      { get_clock(Time0) },
      { Answer = count_change(N) },
      { get_clock(Time) },
      { get_clocks_per_sec(ClocksPerSec) },
      { string__format("Answer = %d, Time = %f seconds\n",
		[i(Answer),f((Time - Time0) / ClocksPerSec)], Message) },
      io__write_string("invalid argument\n")
    io__write_string("wrong number of arguments\n")

:- pragma c_header_code("
	#include <stdio.h>
	#include <time.h>

:- pred get_clock(float::out) is det.
:- pragma c_code(get_clock(Time::out), "
	Time = clock();

:- pred get_clocks_per_sec(float::out) is det.
:- pragma c_code(get_clocks_per_sec(ClocksPerSec::out), "
	ClocksPerSec = CLOCKS_PER_SEC;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

int first_denomination(int kinds_of_coins)
  if (kinds_of_coins == 1) {
    return 1;
  else if (kinds_of_coins == 2) {
    return 5;
  else if (kinds_of_coins == 3) {
    return 10;
  else if (kinds_of_coins == 4) {
    return 25;
  else if (kinds_of_coins == 5) {
    return 50;

int cc(int amount, int kinds_of_coins)
  if (amount == 0) {
    return 1;
  else if (amount < 0 || kinds_of_coins == 0) {
    return 0;
  else {
    return cc(amount - first_denomination(kinds_of_coins),
              kinds_of_coins) +
           cc(amount, kinds_of_coins - 1);

int cc_tail(int amount, int kinds_of_coins, int count)
  if (amount == 0) {
    return count + 1;
  else if (amount < 0 || kinds_of_coins == 0) {
    return count;
  else {
    return cc_tail(amount - first_denomination(kinds_of_coins),
                   cc_tail(amount, kinds_of_coins - 1, count));

int count_change(int amount)
  return cc(amount, 5);
  return cc_tail(amount, 5, 0);

main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int answer, n;
  clock_t t0, t1;

  sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &n);

  t0 = clock();
  answer = count_change(n);
  t1 = clock();
  printf("%d %f\n", answer, (float)(t1 - t0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
