From: John L. Stein
Subject: Trouble using variables for function names in function declarations
Message-ID: <55obcb$>
						Trouble using variables for function names in function declarations

The following function works and creates an object called op.

(define op (make <text-item>
		:parent c
		:coords (text-coords e) 
		:text "<"
		:fill "red"
		:anchor "w"))

But I want to make a bunch of such objects so I want op to be
a variable. So I tried to define the following make-text-item!
function (2nd line). It attempts to get the symbol for each
element e and make an object with that name.
The function (get-symbol! e) defined in the first line is used
to find the symbol for e. It works fine by itself. It produces
a distinct symbol (eg. blu rf th yh etc.) for each e.

The combined function (make-text-item! e) does not work
however.  Can anbody tell me how to fix it or better yet
provide an example?


(define (get-symbol! e) (string->symbol (get-name! e)))

(define (make-text-item! e) 

(define (get-symbol! e) (make <text-item>
		:parent c
		:coords (text-coords e) 
		:text "<"
		:fill "red"
		:anchor "w"))

(define (make-text-items! gr)
		(map (lambda (x) (make-text-item! x)) (set-edge->list (edges gr))))