From: Bill Dubuque
Subject: Re: CONCATENTATE-STRINGS is out of boun
Message-ID: <>
  From: Guy Ellis <···········@CompuServe.COM>
  Date: 8 May 1996 14:16:35 GMT

  I'm using Allegro Common Lisp 3.0 for windows and get the 
  following error message when trying to use read-line with a large 

  Subscript given to array function in CONCATENTATE-STRINGS is out 
  of bounds.

  The file is about 200k in size but about every 80 characters are 
  separated by a newline character. The functionality works fine if 
  I cut the file down to 10k. I was under the impression that 
  read-line just read characters up to the first newline. Is this 
  correct? Does anybody know what is happening here?

The problem is that ACL/Win uses #\Newline := #\Return (perhaps
due to its Procyon/MAC heritage). Thus \Linefeed is not an end-of-line 
sequence so your entire file is being read as a single line, overflowing
the current 16-bit limit on string length.

Its easy enough to verify this. Here's an Editi transcript: 

(labels ((doit (char1 &optional char2 &aux (str (copy "0123")) stream)
	   (setf (aref str 1) char1)
	   (when char2 (setf (aref str 2) char2))
	   (list (read-line (setq stream (make-string-input-stream str)))
		 (read-line stream nil))))
  (values (doit #\Linefeed)
	  (doit #\Return)
	  (doit #\Return   #\Linefeed)
	  (doit #\Linefeed #\Return)))

23" NIL)	; so LF != NL
("0" "23")	; so CR  = NL
("0" "3")	; so CR LF = NL
("0		; so LF CR = LF NL
" "3")