From: Alec Muffett
Subject: Wanted: (in UK?) Copy of "Anatomy of Lisp" ?
Message-ID: <>
A plea for help; does anyone know of a copy of Allen's "Anatomy of
Lisp" lying forgotten in some bookstore somewhere?  

Secondhand in reasonable condition would be fine.

Preferably in the UK, but if not, so be it...

I can't seem to find a copy in print anywhere, so I suppose its print
run is exhausted, hence my plea for help.

Thanks in advance if you can.

	- alec
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -- -pwcracker-in-2-lines-of-perl-plus-disclaimer
$u{$p[1]}=$p[0] while(@p=getpwent);while(<>){chop;foreach $c (keys %u)
{printf "u=%s p=%s\n",$u{$c},$_ if(crypt($_,$c) eq $c);}} # Use: pwc dict ...
# ············@UK.Sun.COM. Not speaking for my employers. Not my fault.