From: David Clark
Subject: Le Lisp, and Optimisation of Matrix Calculations
Message-ID: <4qpelh$>
I am writing a program in Lisp for my MSc project which requires repeated 
multiplication of a square matrix. This is rather slow on my ancient 386 pc at home, 
so I need to write a version for Le Lisp which is available on the Sun Workstation at 
the university.
Does anyone know where I can find documentation for LeLisp. In particular; can I 
define an array? I've tried make-array and even create-array with no joy though aref 
works and so does vector.
Based on the PC versions a function using arrays should be fater than the list version 
which is the only one that works with LeLisp.
The final program needs to perform 100+ multiplications of a 120x120 matrix so any 
suggestions for improving the code shown below would be appreciated.

David Clark
MSc Knowledge Engineering, University of Westminster. UK

;time (seconds)	28x28 array on 25mhz 386 PC DOS/Windows		Sun Sparc 
;tested with 	Allegro	XLISP, 	CLISP-I	FreeLISP CLISP-C	LeLisp
;matmultC	4.5	9.1	7.1	9.7	6.5		0.97
;matmultA	3.7	na	28	16	4.01
;matmultV	4.2	68	39	21	5.83
;matmultV0	3.9			22	5.82

;Matrix Calculations in LISP
;cannot define a 2d array in XLISP so we use lists
(defun MATMULT (Matrix Times)
	(DO	((Result Matrix (MATMULTc Matrix Result))
		(Count 2 (1+ Count)))
		((> Count Times) Result)))

;the multiplication of two matrices
;XLisp Matrix as List of Lists using cons
(defun MATMULTC (Matrix1 Matrix2)
	(LET ((Tsp2 (do ((j (length Matrix2) (1- j))
			(Tr nil (cons (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (nth (1- j) x)) Matrix2) 
			((eq j 0)Tr))))
	(map 'list #'(lambda (m1)
		(map 'list #'(lambda (t2)(reduce '+ (map 'list '* m1 t2))) Tsp2))

;versions with arrays for Allegro, FreeLisp & CLisp
;Matrix Multiplication with 2D arrays
;modified for List of List Operation in XLISP
(defun MATMULTL (MatrixA MatrixB Result)
(LET* (	(RowsA (length (car MatrixA)))
	(ColsA (length MatrixA))
	(ColsB (length MatrixB)) )
	(DOTIMES (i RowsA Result)
		(DOTIMES (j ColsB)
			(setf (nth j (nth i Result))
				(let ((sum 0.0))
					(dotimes (l ColsA Sum)
						(setf sum (+ sum (* (nth l (nth i 
MatrixA)) (nth j (nth l MatrixB))))))))))))

(defun MATMULTA (MatrixA MatrixB Result RowsA ColsA ColsB)
	(DOTIMES (i RowsA Result)
		(DOTIMES (j ColsB)
			(setf (aref Result i j)
				(let ((sum 0.0))
					(DOTIMES (l ColsA Sum)
						(setf sum (+ sum (* (aref MatrixA i l) 
(aref MatrixB l j))))))))))

;replacing 2D arrays with 1D vectors
(defun MATMULTV (MatrixA MatrixB Result RowsA ColsA ColsB)
	(let 	((sum 0.0)
		(i1 (- ColsA))
		(k2 0))
	(DOTIMES (i RowsA Result)
		(setf i1 (+ i1 ColsA)) ;; i1=i*m
		(DOTIMES (j ColsB)
			(setf sum 0.0)
			(setf k2 (- ColsB))
			(DOTIMES (l ColsA)
				(setf k2 (+ K2 ColsB)) ;;k2= l*k
				(setf sum (+ sum (* (aref MatrixA (+ i1 l))
						(aref MatrixB (+ k2 j)) ))))
			(setf (aref Result (+ i1 j)) sum)))))

;replacing 2D arrays with 1D vectors optimised Allegro [Fateman 1993]
(defun MATMULTV0 (vA vB vR RowsA ColsA ColsB)
	(declare	(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) )
			(type (simple-array single-float (*)) vA vB vR)
			(fixnum RowsA ColsA ColsB)) 
	(let 	((sum 0.0)
		(i1 (- ColsA))
		(k2 0))
	(declare (single-float sum) (fixnum i1 k2))
	(DOTIMES (i RowsA vR)
		(declare (fixnum i))
		(setf i1 (+ i1 ColsA)) ;; i1=i*m
		(DOTIMES (j ColsB)
			(declare (fixnum j))
			(setf sum 0.0)
			(setf k2 (- ColsB))
			(DOTIMES (l ColsA)
				(declare (fixnum l))
				(setf k2 (+ K2 ColsB)) ;;k2= l*k
				(setf sum (+ sum (* (aref vA (+ i1 l))
						(aref vB (+ k2 j)) ))))
			(setf (aref vR (+ i1 j)) sum)))))

From: Ron Parr
Subject: Re: Le Lisp, and Optimisation of Matrix Calculations
Message-ID: <4qqgpe$>
You might want to check out my quick-arrays package.  It implements
multi-dimensional arrays as vectors of vectors.  It turns out that this
is faster than using standard arrays in many lisps.  It comes with a
test program that determines how much of a speedup you can get on your
system using quick arrays.  The program multiplies two large square

The URL is:

Ron Parr                                       email: ····   
          Home Page:
           Mac Tips:
From: Christophe Mertz
Subject: Re: Le Lisp, and Optimisation of Matrix Calculations
Message-ID: <>
>>>>> "DC" == David Clark <·····> writes:

    DC> I am writing a program in Lisp for my MSc project which requires repeated 
    DC> multiplication of a square matrix. This is rather slow on my ancient 386 pc at home, 
    DC> so I need to write a version for Le Lisp which is available on the Sun Workstation at 
    DC> the university.
    DC> Does anyone know where I can find documentation for LeLisp. In particular; can I 
    DC> define an array? I've tried make-array and even create-array with no joy though aref 
    DC> works and so does vector.
    DC> Based on the PC versions a function using arrays should be fater than the list version 
    DC> which is the only one that works with LeLisp.
    DC> The final program needs to perform 100+ multiplications of a 120x120 matrix so any 
    DC> suggestions for improving the code shown below would be appreciated.

    DC> David Clark
    DC> MSc Knowledge Engineering, University of Westminster. UK

all the following refers to le_lisp V15.26, but should be ok for previous
le_lisp version

to create an array (k-dimensionnal) :
(makearray n1 n2 ... nk initial-cell-value)

to access a value:
(aref array n1 n2 ... nk)

to modify a value
(aset array n1 n2 ... nk new-value)

to optimise arithmetic operations:

generic    2 integer    2 floating
operator   operands     operands
  +        add          fadd
  -        sub          fsub
  *        mul          fmul
  /        div          fdiv

generic operator are more secure (they do conversions if necessary),
and do automatic type-checking and type-conversion.

add... fadd... are quicker, but when compilled
don't do any type-check.  So you must be sure of the 
type of the operands.

To get a doc, the best is to get in touch with ilog:
try :



  Christophe MERTZ (societe CR2A-DI) - ····· - 
  C.E.N.A - Orly Sud 205 - 94542 ORLY AEROGARE CEDEX - FRANCE
  tel: (33 1) 69 57 71 10 - fax: (33 1) 60 48 70 20
From: David Clark
Subject: Re: Le Lisp, and Optimisation of Matrix Calculations
Message-ID: <4qu5bs$>
Thanks for the help; (makearray x y 0) 
not (make-array '(x y) :initial-value 0) I should have guessed.
Now I've changed DOTIMES to DO and MAP to MAPCAR I almost have a
working program -
does (position ...) reside under an assumed name in leLisp or do
I need to write my own version?
From: Christophe Mertz
Subject: Re: Le Lisp, and Optimisation of Matrix Calculations
Message-ID: <>
>>>>> "DC" == David Clark <·····> writes:

    DC> Thanks for the help; (makearray x y 0) 


    DC> does (position ...) reside under an assumed name in leLisp or do
    DC> I need to write my own version?

I think (position seq ...) works for sequence, and matrixes are not
sequences ??!!

In fact I don't exactly understand why You should need (position ...)
By the way there is not such function in LE_Lisp (at least for

  Christophe MERTZ (societe CR2A-DI) - ····· - 
  C.E.N.A - Orly Sud 205 - 94542 ORLY AEROGARE CEDEX - FRANCE
  tel: (33 1) 69 57 71 10 - fax: (33 1) 60 48 70 20
From: David Clark
Subject: Re: Le Lisp, and Optimisation of Matrix Calculations
Message-ID: <4r1oe0$>
>I think (position seq ...) works for sequence, and matrixes are not
>sequences ??!!
>In fact I don't exactly understand why You should need (position ...)
>By the way there is not such function in LE_Lisp (at least for
As my original program was developed for Xlisp it used lists. To save rewiting code where
efficientcy is not critical I need to create a LeLisp version of the following (the code as 
shown will work in Allegro, Clisp, and FreeLisp)

(defun BUILDA (Net)
	(LET* (	(Dim (length Net))
		(Col (LISTCARS Net))
		(Matrix (make-array (list Dim Dim) :initial-element  0)) )
	(DOLIST	(Row Net Matrix)
	(DOLIST	(J Row)
		(setf (aref Matrix (position Row Net) (position J Col))
			(IF	(eq J (car Row))
				(setf(get J 'H)(- 1 (min(reduce '+ (get (car Row) 'P))1)))
				(nth (1-(position J Row)) (get (car Row) 'P))

where Net is:
 	'((A B D)
	(B C E)
	(C F)
	(D A B E G)
	(E B D F H)
	(F B E H I)
	(G E)
	(H F)
	(I F))