From: ········
Subject: How transform a string to symbol
Message-ID: <4oq689$>
I want change the name of symbol.

If the name is: rule1, i want rule1-1.

With symbol-name hi have the string qith the name, Is there any
function to do the inverse.

Thank yoy to help me

From: Donald H. Mitchell
Subject: Re: How transform a string to symbol
Message-ID: <>
········ wrote:
> I want change the name of symbol.

If you literally want to change the name of the symbol, it is not 
possible.  Symbol names cannot be changed.  If, as Marty surmised, you 
merely want to create a new symbol with a derivative name, then use what 
Marty said.  If you just need the string, of course, don't bother 
interning the string after deriving the new name.

(defun variant-name (string-or-symbol)
   (unless (symbolp string-or-symbol)
     (setf string-or-symbol (intern string-or-symbol :my-package)))
   ;;return string w/ variant # appended
   (format nil "~A-~D" string-or-symbol 
           (incf (get string-or-symbol 'variant 0))))

> (variant-name 'foo)
> (variant-name "foo")
> (variant-name "bar")
> (variant-name "BAR")

If you really want to have symbols rather than strings, merely surround 
the (format ...) w/ (intern (format ...) :my-package).

If you want the numbering to start w/ zero, then use -1 as the default on 
the get.
Donald H. Mitchell              ···
Proactive Solutions, Inc.       412.835.2410
5858 Horseshoe Dr.              412.835.2411 (fax)
Bethel Park, PA 15102
From: Marty Hall
Subject: Re: How transform a string to symbol
Message-ID: <>
In article <··········> ········ writes:
>With symbol-name hi have the string qith the name, Is there any
>function to do the inverse.

Mire a los funciones INTERN y READ-FROM-STRING. La specificacion de
ANSI y el libro de Steele estan on-line; visite a

					- Marti'n
From: Ken Tilton
Subject: Re: How transform a string to symbol
Message-ID: <>
> With symbol-name hi have the string qith the name, Is there any
> function to do the inverse.
d work:

This will create a symbol from a string:

    (intern (string-upcase "rule1-1") :cl-user)

By the way, you also described your intent as wanting to change the name 
of a symbol. I do not know how precisely you were speaking, but the 
above 'intern' of course does not change the name of 'RULE1, it makes a 
new symbol 'RULE1-1. ie, (symbol-name 'RULE1) will still be "RULE1".

