From: Benjamin Shults
Subject: XP and ~?
Message-ID: <>
I use the XP package to implement that part of the ANSI standard
described in 

   22.3.5 FORMAT Pretty Printer Operations

which can be found at

or in

   Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition.  Chapter 27. Pretty Printing


I use the XP code on both GCL and CLISP and it works very well according
to spec with one exception.  On both of these lisps evaluation of the form:

   (format t "~?" "~_" nil)

gives an error.  In general, use of ~? and other pretty printing
directives causes an error or non-standard behavior.  Apparently
the recursive call to format does not know that it should be redefined
by the XP definition of format.

Has anyone else experienced this?  Has anyone solved it?

It's possible that I haven't properly loaded XP, so if anyone does
not get the behavior I described, please let me know.


Benjamin Shults                 Email:  ·······
Department of Mathematics       Phone:  (512) 471-7711 ext. 208
University of Texas at Austin   WWW:
Austin, TX  78712   USA         FAX:    (512) 471-9038 (attn: Benjamin Shults)