From: Jeff Lewis
Subject: Final call for Summer School on Advanced Functional Programming
Message-ID: <96-07-171@comp.compilers>
Final call!  Still room left for a few more participants, and a
little scholarship money for students is still available.  See end
of this post for scholarship info.  Last day to register is July 30th.

     The 1996 Summer School on Advanced Functional Programming
                       Aug 25th-30th, 1996
                    Olympia, Washington, USA

The 1996 Summer School on Advanced Functional Programming will be
hosted by the Oregon Graduate Institute located in Portland,
Oregon. Following on the success of a similar school held in
Baastad, Sweden in 1995, this year's school will be held 100+
miles to the north of Portland at The Evergreen State College in
Olympia, Washington, on the southern shore of the Puget
Sound. Evergreen is five miles outside of Olympia, Washington,
and lies in the heart of a 1,000-acre forest.  The Summer School
will begin on the evening of Sunday, Aug 25th, and end Friday,
Aug 30th.

Here are the topics being covered in the summer school:

   * "Haskore, specifying electronic music", Paul Hudak
   * "Composing the user interface with Haggis", Simon Peyton Jones
   * "Essentials of Standard ML Modules", Mads Tofte
   * "Polytypic typing", Johan Jeuring
   * "Functional data structures", Chris Okasaki
   * "Heap profiling for space efficiency", Colin Runciman
   * "Deterministic, Error-Correcting Combinator Parsers", Doaitse Swierstra
   * "Implementing Threads in Standard ML", Peter Lee

Each lecturer will have a three hour slot, some of which may be
taken up by practical exercises. The pattern of 1 hour lecture,
1 hour exercise and break, and 1 hour lecture worked well in the
past, and we plan to repeat it. Lecture notes will be published
in Springer-Verlag's LNCS series.

For more information and registration form, please see our web
page at URL:

The program organizers are:

* Tim Sheard, ······, Oregon Graduate Institute,
* John Launchbury, ··, Oregon Graduate Institute,
* Erik Meijer, ····, Oregon Graduate Institute.

Local arrangements/registration will be handled by Lynette Osborne
(·······, phone (503) 690-1476, fax (503) 690-1548.


Scholarship information:

The National Science Foundation has provided funding to enable us to
offer scholarships to the 1996 Summer School on Advanced Functional
Programming.  Students who wish to attend the school may receive
scholarships of up to $500 towards fees (tuition, room and board)
needed to attend the school.  This is not restricted to U.S. students.
To apply for a scholarship please return a completed registration form
together with the following additional information:

1) Name

2) email address

3) School affiliation and current standing (graduate or undergraduate? year?)

4) Amount of scholarship requested ($500 maximum. Please request only the
   amount needed so that scholarships can be extended to as many students
   as possible).

5) In no more than one page, explain your interest in functional programming
   in general, and your interest in attending the summer school
   specifically. Include a short explanation to justify why scholarship
   support should be extended to you.

Send registration and scholarship application materials to Lynette
Osborne (······· We prefer an electronic response using the
electronic form at the url:
and emailing the additional scholarship information. If necessary the following
address or fax may be used.

Lynette Osborne
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology
P.O. Box 91000
Portland, OR 97291-1000
phone (503) 690-1476, fax (503) 690-1548.

Scholarship awards will be announced no later than July 30, 1996, and
sooner if at all possible. In particular, prompt responses will be given
immediate consideration.
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