From: spoon
Subject: CLISP - macro bug??
Message-ID: <4t19oo$>
	I'm having a problem with a macro and CLISP. The code works in
CMU, but CLISP refuses it, and I'm not confident enough to know who/what is

The problem relates to iterating over banded matrices.  I've defined
some routines for manipulating band diagonal matrices - matrices for
which all elements are zero except for those that are within a certain
distance of the main diagonal  e.g

	1  2  3  0  0  0
	4  5  6  7  0  0
	0  8  9  1  2  0
	0  0  3  4  5  6
	0  0  0  7  8  9

is a 5x6 band diagonal matrix, with upper bandwidth (number of diags
above main diagonal) of 2 and a lower bandwidth of 1.  To store the
matrix you need only store the non zero diags, so the above is stored

	_  1  2  3
	4  5  6  7
	8  9  1  2
	3  4  5  6
	7  8  9  _

where underscores denote wasted elements.  There is then a simple
translation scheme from the indexing of one storage scheme to the
other.  I've implemented a simple macro bmref that does precisely

So given a banded matrix A, i want to be able to loop over only the
non zero elements.  So for the example, rather than looping over the m
by n matrix A as

(loop for i fixnum from 1 upto m do
  (loop for j fixnum from 1 upto n do	
    (bmref A i j))) 

I need

(loop for i fixnum from 1 upto (min m (+ n lb)) do
  (loop for j fixnum from (max 1 (- i lb)  upto (min n (+ i ub)) do	
    (bmref A i j))) 

where lb and ub represent the upper and lower bandwidths of A.  This
way you only loop over those elements that have actually been stored.

So I wanted a macro for which you could say

(iterate-banded-matrix (A m n lb ub)
   ... code ...

   (loop-rows-A (i 1 upto m)

     ... more code ...

      (loop-cols-A (j 1 upto n)	

	... more code ...)

      ... more code ...)

    ... more code...)

and the "upto"s	could be "downto"s, and you could also swap the order
of the loop-rows-A and loop-cols-A in a sensible fashion.  The A is
appended to the loop names so that you could have nested calls to
iterate-banded-matrices for different matrices.

My solution was to define a macro iterate-banded-matrix that defines
loop-cols-A and loop-rows-A in a macrolet.  When loop-rows-A is
expanded, it shadows loop-cols-A (again with a macrolet) so that
loop-cols-A expands correctly, since the expansion of loop-cols-A
depends on whether we are inside or outside of loop-rows-A.
loop-cols-A is defined similarly, shadowing loop-rows-a with a

Thats the idea. The following implementation works in CMU, but CLISP
refuses the ,@(mk-loop-range ...) in the innermost macrolets.  So is
this OK and CLISP has a bug or have I made a subtle error?  Secondly,
is there a better way?

Thanks in advance,


 (defun mk-loop-range (dirn min max)
   (case dirn
     (upto `(,min upto ,max))
     (downto `(,max downto ,min))))

 (defmacro iterate-banded-matrix ((A &optional m n lb ub) &body body)
   "Iterate over the elements of a banded matrix."
   (let ((row-macro (intern (concatenate 'string "LOOP-ROWS-" (symbol-name A))))
	 (col-macro (intern (concatenate 'string "LOOP-COLS-" (symbol-name A)))))

     `(let ((,m (banded-matrix-m ,A))
	    (,n (banded-matrix-n ,A))
	    (,lb (banded-matrix-lower-bandwidth ,A))
	    (,ub (banded-matrix-upper-bandwidth ,A)))
	   ((,row-macro ((i i-min i-dirn i-max) &body row-body)
		((,',col-macro ((j j-min j-dirn j-max) &body col-body)
		  `(loop for ,j fixnum from
		       `(max ,j-min (- ,',i ,',',lb))
		       `(min ,j-max (+ ,',i ,',',ub)))

		(loop for ,i fixnum from
		 ,@(build-loop-range i-dirn i-min `(min ,i-max (+ ,',n ,',lb)))

	    (,col-macro ((j j-min j-dirn j-max) &body col-body)
		((,',row-macro ((i i-min i-dirn i-max) &body row-body)
		  `(loop for ,i fixnum from
		       `(max ,i-min (- ,',j ,',',ub))
		       `(min ,i-max (+ ,',j ,',',lb)))

		(loop for ,j fixnum from
		 ,@(build-loop-range j-dirn j-min `(min ,j-max (+ ,',m ,',ub)))


Other stuff you might want to look at.

;;;Implementation - Banded matrices.
;;;Banded matrices are implemented as vectors of diagonals of length
;;;min(m, n+lb), where m,n are the dimesnions of the matrix, and lb
;;;and ub are the upper and lower bandwidths.  Thus the matrix
;;;     a b 0 0
;;;	c d e 0
;;;	0 f g h
;;;	0 0 i j
;;;is stored as
;;;	_ a b
;;;	c d e
;;;	f g h
;;;	i j _
;;;where underscores denote unused locations.  The unused locations
;;;could be eleminated, but at the expense of complicating the
;;;indexing.  Under the current system,
;;;	a(i,j) => i-1 th element of the lb+j-i th vector

(defvar *band-matrix-max-print-dimension* 25
  "Banded matrices with dimension bigger than this are printed in compact form.")

(deftype double-vector ()
  "A vector of double floats."
  `(simple-array double-float (*)))

(defstruct (banded-matrix
	     (:print-function print-banded-matrix))
  (m 0 :type fixnum)
  (n 0 :type fixnum)
  (lower-bandwidth 0 :type fixnum)
  (upper-bandwidth 0 :type fixnum)
  (diagonals (make-array 0 :element-type 'double-vector)
	     :type (simple-array double-vector (*))))

;;;We provide a macro BMREF for accessing the elements of a banded
;;;matrix.  This macro just translates from the standard matrix
;;;indexing syste, to the sparse format, it does no error checking.

(defmacro bmref (A i j &optional lb)
    (aref (banded-matrix-diagonals ,A)
     (+ (- ,j ,i) ,(or lb `(banded-matrix-lower-bandwidth ,A))))
    (1- ,i)))

;;;We print in one of two forms depending on the size of the matix.
;;;Compact form just show dims and upper and lower bandwidth, while
;;;the full form display the elements.
(defun print-banded-matrix (A &optional (strm t) k)
  (declare (type banded-matrix A) (stream strm) (ignore k))
  (let ((m (banded-matrix-m A))
	(n (banded-matrix-n A))
	(lb (banded-matrix-lower-bandwidth A))
	(ub (banded-matrix-upper-bandwidth A)))
    (declare (fixnum m n lb ub))
    (if (< (max m n) *band-matrix-max-print-dimension*)
	(loop for i fixnum from 1 upto m do
	      (format strm "~%")
	      (loop for j fixnum from 1 upto n do
		    (format strm "~10,4G" 
			    (if (and (<= (- j i) ub) (<= (- i j) lb))
				(bmref A i j)
	(format strm "<Banded Matrix (~S ~S) (~S ~S)>" m n lb ub))))

;;;Functions for constructing banded matrices of various types

(defun banded-matrix (m n lb ub &optional diagonal-elements)
    "Construct an m by n zero matrix with lower bandwidth lb and upper
bandwidth ub."
  (declare (fixnum m n lb ub))
  (let ((diags (make-array (+ 1 lb ub) :element-type 'double-vector))
	(len (min m (+ n lb))))
    (declare (fixnum len)
	     (type (simple-array double-vector (*)) diags))
    (dotimes (i (+ 1 lb ub))
      (setf (aref diags i)
	    (make-array len :element-type 'double-float
			:initial-element (etypecase diagonal-elements
					   (null 0.0D0)
					   (real (coerce diagonal-elements 'double-float))
					   (vector (coerce (aref diagonal-elements i) 'double-float))))))
    (make-banded-matrix :m m :n n
			:lower-bandwidth lb :upper-bandwidth ub
			:diagonals diags)))

"You need as many clues as you can get as to how these things work
when you're a buffoon." - D. Row