From: Will Ware
Subject: C fcns accessing GCL arrays
Message-ID: <>
I'm porting some old C code from DOS to Linux, and using GCL as an
extension language for it. Mostly this is going pretty smoothly, but
one thing I'm having trouble with is giving the C code direct access
to a 1-D array declared in Lisp. Most of what I know about GCL's data
objects, I've learned from studying 'object.h', but arrays remain a
mystery to me. Does anybody know how to take a GCL vector object with
integer element-type and get an actual pointer to an array of ints,
that C could work with?

Also, has anybody got experience linking other Lisps with C code? GCL
seems to be a pretty good choice, but I'd like to know if there are
other good choices. I'd *really* like to know if there is a Lisp
somewhere for which this process is documented, maybe even in some
O'Reilly book or something.
Will Ware <·····> web <>
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