From: Ethan Benatan
Subject: Re: counting days
Message-ID: <>
I think that the main thing that's confusing you is that you are using an
association list incorrectly.  First, it is a list of dotted lists, so:

(defconstant *month* 
  '((jan . 31) 
    (feb . 29)  
    (mar . 31) 
    (apr . 30) 
    (may . 31) 
    (jun . 30) 
    (jul . 31) 
    (aug . 31) 
    (sep . 30) 
    (oct . 31) 
    (nov . 30) 
    (dec . 31)))

And of course it isn't a function, it's a constant- so use defconstant,
not defun!

Now to get a sublist out use the assoc (assoc item a-list) function which
returns the first dotted sublist that it hits in which the first element
is eql to the item. So given this, 

> (assoc *month* 'feb)
(feb . 29)

So to get the number of days in February, you want 
> (cdr (assoc *month* 'feb))
and you get

Then of course you need to fix the program so that it counts correctly
(but I expect you knew that).

General hints:
Make sure each function is doing what you want it to!  This includes the
ones you build *and* the ones you use.  I personally have a bizarre
inability to remember the order of arguments to #'>, and so I can't tell
you how many times I have had to type (> 5 3) into the Listener just to
see if it is T or NIL. One of the beauties of an interpreted language is
that this is so incredibly easy to do.  So, especially the first time you
use a function, just *try* it.

Get a copy of Steele (it's online FREE in html nowadays- I don't know
where offhand but I bet there's a pointer on  The full
title is Common Lisp the Language, 2nd edition, by Guy L. Steele;
published by Digital Press. It is commonly referred to as Steele or CLtL2.
It is an indespensible 
tool for the Lisp programmer, and also a nice source of amusements during
those long nights...

Good luck!


In article <··········>, ····
Chow) wrote:

> would you tell me what is wrong with this program please? 
> If I type : 
> (days 1 jan 2 jan) 
> I will get 2 
> but if I type : 
> (days 1 jan 2 feb) 
> I will get NIL or NULL 
> (defun *month* '( ( jan  31) 
>                 (feb  29)  
>                 (mar  31) 
>                 (apr  30) 
>                 (may  31) 
>                 (jun  30) 
>                 (jul  31) 
>                 (aug  31) 
>                 (sep  30) 
>                 (oct  31) 
>                 (nov  30) 
>                 (dec  31)     )) 
> (defun  days (d1 m1 d2 m2) 
>         (if   (eql  m1 m2)  (- d2 d1) (assoc m1 *month*)  
>         ) 
> )

Ethan Benatan