From: Kevin Gallagher
Subject: Re: counting the days
Message-ID: <4h2j4l$>
Boaz Chow <····> writes:
> I am learning lisp in my school.   My first project is to write a lisp
> program to calculate the days between two given months.  For example, (days
> 1 jan 31 mar) will give me 29+30+31 which is 90 

Since this is an assignment I'm not going to solve it for you, but I
will give you a couple of hints.

> I have done the first part but I don't know how to finish the rest.  This
> is my program : 
> (setq jan (1 31)) 
> (setq feb (2 30)) 
> ...

A more useful representation may be to put all the months into a single

(defvar months '((jan 1 31) ...)))

> is there a for-loop in lisp? 

There are several iteration constructs in lisp.  Look at DOLIST and DO.

> I was working on this program in the computer lab.  I was stuck yesterday
> because I lost count of the @·····@% "(" and the ···@!!# ")". 

This is the most important suggestion I will give you: Use an editor
that automatically indents your code and automatically balances
parenthesis.  When you look at a good lisp program you should be able
to (more or less) ignore the parenthesis and just use the indentation
to indicate control flow.

Kevin Gallagher
Blackboard Technology Group, Inc.        
401 Main Street                                      Phone: 413-256-8990
Amherst, MA 01002                                      Fax: 413-256-3179