From: George J. Carrette
Subject: New SIOD update, with -*-parser:fasl-*- and -*-parser:read-*-
Message-ID: <4h0f8m$>
The latest has reconstructed an old
trick that allows files of different syntax to be recognized by the loader
and treated accordingly.

Load will look at the first line in a file for the string "parser:XXXXX"
and if found, obtain the value of the variable parser:XXXXX and call it
as a function in order to obtain an appropriate READ function.

Hence a CALL FOR VOTES is required, suggestions for what to call
the alternative syntax which I will implemented by coding "pratt.scm" in C
and having the capability built-in to the system.



(define (fascomp filename)
  (fast-save filename 
             (load (string-append filename ".scm") t)
             "#!/usr/local/bin/htqs -v01,-m2 -*-parser:fasl-*-\n"))
From: George J. Carrette
Subject: New SIOD update, with -*-parser:fasl-*- and -*-parser:read-*- and -*-parser:pratt-*-
Message-ID: <4h387a$>
"George J. Carrette" <ยทยทยท> wrote:
>The latest has reconstructed an old trick...

Now I've gone and done it, you can now write a script that
looks like this:

   #!/usr/local/bin/htqs -v01,-m2 -*-mode:c;parser:pratt-*-

   main() := writes(nil,
                    "Hello Scheme World.\n",
                    "fib(20) = ",fib(20),"\n")$

   fib(x) := if x < 2 then x else fib(x-1) + fib(x-2)$

Now all we have to do is find a use for semi-colons and brackets even though
parens and commas will do fine!

Anybody got any suggestions?


p.s. See hello.scm example in the distribution for hints on compilation.