From: Kai Zimmermann
Subject: Re: Is tail call the new goto?
Message-ID: <4f7n4r$>
Ken Anderson (········ wrote:
: Originally i learned that goto's were to be avoided.  So i avoided them
: using structured programming constructs.  Now, I find myself doing a lot
: more tail recursion than i used to, such as:

effectively you can use lambda and tail recursive calls to emulate goto.
Consider this example in an evil language I was taught in school:

10  x := 0
20  x := x+1
30  if x > 10 then goto 50
40  goto 20
50  print "X = ", x 

and its reformulation in perfectly valid Common Lisp

(let ((x))
  (labels ((L10 () (setf x 0)          (L20))
           (L20 () (setf x (+ x 1))    (L30))
           (L30 () (if (> x 10) (L50)  (L40)))
           (L40 () (L20))
           (L50 () (format T "X = ~S~%" x)))


Recursion is a powerfull control structure.  You have to use it carefully
or otherwise you could as well use goto.  In Scheme with call/cc it is
sometimes very hard to understand the flow of control, even when 
there are perfectly valid uses call/cc.  It is almost always easier
to understand when you wrap it into some macro like catch/throw,
NonDet-Cond/Back-Track and so on.

I vaguely remember an article with the title "Lambda:  The Universal Goto" 
or so from Sussman?  But all our retrieval system shows is

lambda.  the ultimate imperative.  Steele, G.  / Sussman, J.  -- mar 1976. 
 (Mit: reports; AI MEMO NO 353)
 [Report  R18518  48935]



Kai Zimmermann  FB Informatik WSV, University of Hamburg, Vogt-Koelln-Str. 30
                   D-22527 Hamburg, Germany, Phone +49-40-54715-368, Fax -385

From: Gilbert Baumann
Subject: Re: Is tail call the new goto?
Message-ID: <>
Kai Zimmermann (········ wrote:

> I vaguely remember an article with the title "Lambda:  The Universal Goto" 
> or so from Sussman?  But all our retrieval system shows is
> lambda.  the ultimate imperative.  Steele, G.  / Sussman, J.  -- mar 1976. 
> (Mit: reports; AI MEMO NO 353)
>  [Report  R18518  48935]

Compare this with  "LAMBDA: The Ultimate Declarative".   This reminds  me of
the RABBIT compiler (See references below).

The   fact that lambdas  (more  precise  is  function  invocation) could  be
considered as GOTOs lead  GLS to the implementation of  RABBIT, A  scheme to
MacLISP compiler;  GLS actually used   the  MacLISP only  as a   "high-level
assembler", since  he uses a very  limited and strictly imperative subset of
MacLISP. I was quite somewhat impressed the first time  I saw horrible large
nestings of  lambda expressions resulting  from macro expansion been tracked
down to the imperative level.

The  underlying theory is the continuous  passing style to which he converts
the scheme programs.  Continuous passing style (CPS)  means, that a function
does   not return  in   the  classical  sense  [,which   means that function
invokation  now identical  to  GOTO], but gets  an  additional argument, the
continuation,  which is just another function  to be  called with the result
value. (This is compareable to  the return address pushed  onto the stack in
traditional implementation methods.)  [Well, the continuation itself gets no

Together with  the  CPS goes the  restriction,  that the  body  of a  lambda
expression may only hold one expression and  that combinations (Scheme speak
for function calls) may only hold trivial  expression (GLS term = variables,
constants and lambda expressions).

So someone has to define appropriate macros to yield the effect of e.g. a
PROGN (called `begin' in modern Scheme?!):

e.g. (A shortened example GLS gave)

	(PROGN x y) should become:

	((LAMBDA name1 (A B) (B))	;I insert name[12] here to name the lambdas
	 (LAMBDA name2 () y))		; <- this lambda could be viewed as continuation

== which would be compiled into something like ==>

	<code for x>			;evaluate first arg for name1 
	LOAD reg2, [name2]		;evaluate second arg for name1
	GOTO name1			;invoke name1
name1:	GOTO reg2			;invoke B
name2:  <code for y>

== after simple analysis, that reg2 has always the value [name2] ==>

	<code for x>
	GOTO name1
name1:	GOTO name2
name2:	<code for y>

== after elimination of superfluous GOTOs ==>

	<code for x>
	<code for y>

"What more could you ask for?" ; Original comment GLS made here.

Happy Lisping

    GSL, "RABBIT: A Compiler for SCHEME (A Study in Compiler Optimization)
         AI-TR 474. MIT AI Lab (May 1978)

    GLS, "LAMBDA: The Ultimate Declarative". 
         AI Memo 379. MIT AI Lab (November 1976)
PS.  I wrote an interpreter  for  the Scheme  dialect  RABBIT is written  in
     using vanilla Common Lisp.  If you interested  in the interpreter, just
     drop me a note.

Gilbert Baumann  ***  eMail ····
From: Jeff Dalton
Subject: Re: Is tail call the new goto?
Message-ID: <>
In article <··········> ········ (Kai Zimmermann) writes:
>Ken Anderson (········ wrote:
>: Originally i learned that goto's were to be avoided.  So i avoided them
>: using structured programming constructs.  Now, I find myself doing a lot
>: more tail recursion than i used to, such as:
>effectively you can use lambda and tail recursive calls to emulate goto.

I used to do that to deal with annoying "no goto" rules in courses,
when I didn't feel like messing with while-loops and the like just
to satisfy some TA.

>I vaguely remember an article with the title "Lambda:  The Universal Goto" 
>or so from Sussman?  But all our retrieval system shows is
>lambda.  the ultimate imperative.  Steele, G.  / Sussman, J.  -- mar 1976. 
> (Mit: reports; AI MEMO NO 353)
> [Report  R18518  48935]

My memory agrees with your retrieval system, though there was at
least one other "Lambda the ultimate" paper: "Lambda: the ultimate
declarative".  There was also on on the expensive procedure call
myth.  It's possible that it had "ultimate goto" in the title.
The myth paper showed (among other things) the progressive
transformation of a goto-rich program via such things as 
an explicit state + a case statement and tail-recursive procedure
calls to ... a program using gotos.

-- jeff