From: Kelvin Nilsen
Subject: The return of lisp(ish) machines?
Message-ID: <kelvin.823390463@kickapoo>
Check out Sun's press releases for three new Java-in-silicon processor chips:

Does anyone have additional information (that they can share) about these

Kelvin Nilsen, Research Scientist                      voice: (515) 294-5143
151 ASC II, CATD                 		         fax: (515) 294-9519
Iowa State University				internet: ······
Ames, IA  50011
From: Guy Harris
Subject: The return of Forth(ish) machines? (was: Re: The return of lisp(ish) machines?)
Message-ID: <4f5nv4$>
(Followups redirected to "comp.arch", although if somebody wants to take
this thread to "comp.lang.forth", I personally have no objection -
although the chips in question do Java, not Forth, so maybe
"" is more appropriate....)

Kelvin Nilsen <······> wrote:
>Check out Sun's press releases for three new Java-in-silicon processor chips:

Actually, I wonder whether they're more like *Forth* processors - Sun
seems to be aiming them, to a large degree, at low-end embedded systems.
Were Novix's Forth processors aimed at that market?