From: Jeff Shrager
Subject: Lisp Interpreter Service
Message-ID: <508dfg$>
It seems that lisp interpreters are a in demand.  Therefore, I have
decided to begin to offer my services as consulting lisp interpreter
at negotiated rates on a daily or weekly basis.  Services range from
basic lisp interpretation (e.g., the laying-on of comments), to
advanced translation and macro-expansion (e.g., CAR to FIRST and/or
v.v., MAPCAR to DOLIST, DO to LOOP), (Special proclamations and
recursive rewinding are available for a surcharge.)

Rates are individually negotiated.  (Special rates are available for
government contracts and, as a special public service, for TCL or PERL
experts wishing to learn a first programming language.)

Yours in Cognito,
   (A CAR carrying MEMBER of the National Interpreters of Lisp)