From: Choi Jun-Ho
Subject: Help: GCL-2.x compilation problem..
Message-ID: <4k0419$>
Recently I was trying to compile gcl-2.1, GNU Common Lisp.
But I can't compile it... My host is A SparcStation 5 Clone,
and Asian Solaris 2.4, and I compiled with gcc-2.7.2.

I had tried to compile several versions of gcl(gcl-2.0, 2.1, 2,2),
but none works.

Compilation Warning Message is follows:(gcl-2.0. but 2.1 has same problem)

 ... (up to this, it seems work well...) ...

cat init_gcl.lsp | \
sed -e "s"DATE"Version(`cat ../majvers`.`cat ../minvers`) `date`g" \
-e 'ssaved_gclsaved_gclg' \
-e 'slinks t)links t)(setq compiler::*cc* "gcc 
-I/home/junker/work/gcl-2.0/o -static -DVOL=volatile 
")(si::build-symbol-table)g' \
-e "sGCLDIR/home/junker/work/gcl-2.0g" \
-e "s(defun lisp-imp(setq si::*gcl-version* `cat ../minvers` 
si::*gcl-major-version* `cat ../majvers`)(defun lisp-impg" \
-e "s:GCL-1:GCL-"`cat ../majvers`":g"   > foo 
../unixport/raw_gcl ../unixport/ -libdir /home/junker/work/gcl-2.0/ < foo
GCL (GNU Common Lisp)  April 1994  32768 pages
loading ../lsp/export.lsp
Initializing ../lsp/defmacro.o
This file was dumped with FASD version ~a not ~a.
Lisp initialization failed.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/h2/junker/work/gcl-2.0/unixport'

... (make displays error and exits) ...

I had given following options to gcc:
  CC = gcc -I${GCLDIR}/o -static -DVOL=volatile 

I have tried it about one weeks... please help me.

Judgement Uninfected Naked Kind & Executive Ranger         <JUNKER>
                                  KONAMI 1988 "SD-Snatcher" in MSX2
Choi ·············|
Computer Science & Statistics Dept,Seoul National University, Korea