From: [Invalid-From-Line]
Subject: SNEPS Installation
Message-ID: <44c02s$>

	I am attempting to install Dr. Shapiro's SNePS package on a PC running
CLISP under OS/2.  The Logical-file-system program that comes with it,
written by mark kant. of CMU, is only aimed at supporting UNIX
platforms, even though a note inside says that he plans to add
OS/2 or DOS file support later.  Has anyone installed SNePS on a
OS/2 platform out there?  If so, what did you do to get it to work?
I have successfully installed OCCAM on this system with no problem
whatsoever.  I have not received a reply from M.Kant nor
from the moderator of the SNePs user group, so I am wondering if
anyone out there has any experience with SNePS on a OS/2 platform.

I would highly appreciate any assistance....

Jeffrey Stewart