From: Fredrick Backman
Subject: Pretty printing
Message-ID: <43riv6$>
Where can I get a pretty printer that converts Lisp code into neat postscript
files? I want output in mixed regular, bold, italic text with nice indentation.

Any hints? I've read most of the FAQ but found only pointers to the code given
in CLtL (palin text), and an extension to vgrind, which doesn't work for me.

Fredrick Backman. Research Engineer, attractive, smart, wise and heartbreaker!!
Dept. of Linguistics, Umea University, S-901 87 Umea, Sweden. ····· Phone me at +46-90-165676 or Fax me +46-90-133162
Motto: "Take a stress pill and think things over." -HAL9000 "This quote ends 
From: Marty Hall
Subject: Re: Pretty printing
Message-ID: <>
In article <··········> ····· writes:
>Where can I get a pretty printer that converts Lisp code into neat postscript
>files? I want output in mixed regular, bold, italic text with nice indentation.

This is not exactly what you asked for, but a good alternative IMHO is
to use emacs to reindent everything. Both GNU Emacs 19.2x and XEmacs
will do this, and both have modes that will automatically put
different parts of your text in fonts of your choice. I then use the
ps-print package (bundled at least with XEmacs, perhaps GNU Emacs
19.29 too) to print out the code maintaining some of this font info.

For code that is already indented properly, all you have to do is read
it in and print it out. Emacs hackers can use gnudoit to read it in,
print it out, and kill the buffer in one command from the shell. If it
is not indented the way you want, you'll have to change it but emacs
can do a very lot of it for you. Plus, then you'll have permanently
saved code that is more readable/maintainable.

Just a thought in case you don't find the prettyprinter.
					- Marty
(proclaim '(inline skates))