From: Richard Lynch
Subject: Re: Port MCL to Windows
Message-ID: <lynch-1509950142560001@>
In article <··········>, Devin Hosea
<·····> wrote:

|I threw out this idea for discussion a few months ago, and I never got a 
|good answer from the guys at Digitool:
|Why not port MCL to Windows?
|Follow the reasoning:
|        (1) Everyone agrees that MCL is the best LISP environment
|        (2) Everyone agrees (like it or not) that Windows is the dominant
|             operating system, and will likely become more dominant.
|The current split between Windows and MacOS on desktop machines is about 
|90/10, or so I understand.  Therefore, Digitool would increase its 
|market size 9-fold by porting MCL to Windows.  It would also have a much 
|easier time getting funding to do so, because 99% of the corporate world 
|believes that Macs and the MacOS is moribund.    
|Please, somebody at Digitool, or somebody else, tell me why you're not 
|considering this?

I can only guess...
   o A port would basically be a complete rewrite
   o *SUPPORT* for a WCL would be *MORE* than 9-fold that needed for Mac
   o Making MCL PowerPC native is taking all the time they have, and then some
   o As wonderful as it is, there's a *LOT* of room for improvement/expansion
   o Adding the people needed to do WCL would be too quick a growth for Digitool
     [After all, it just formed {ok, splintered off} recently.
      Change *TOO* fast is bad for business.]
   o There is already a not-too-icky Windoze CL to compete with

OTOH, the PowerPC port they're finishin up now, which is itself probably a
complete rewrite, may have been done with an eye to a Windoze port, for
all I know.

[Disclaimer]  I am *not* trying to start a flame war about Mac/PC support
and just how big is the difference.  The 9-fold number difference is
almost certainly completely wrong one way or the other.

-- "TANSTAAFL"  Rich ·····