From: Don Mitchell
Subject: Re: help! quick favor
Message-ID: <454c1n$>
······· (Jason Soukeras) wrote:
>If I figure out what 1000! is
>and divide it by a number that is 3 digits shorter... and then do the 
>same thing w/ another number that is 3 digits shorter but one more than 
>the first...will the portion of the answer to the left of the decimal 
>place be the same?

Well, ok.  I took the bait and ran your test [code and results at
end]; however, then I noticed that it's trivial to calculate the
result as long as I take your example as the definitive specification.
That is, as long as the denominator should be 1000! minus the 3 least
significant digits the answers are 1000.0 and 999.nnnn where n <> 0.

The 3 least significant digits must  all be 0 because 
1000 * 999! = 999! followed by 3 zeros.  Thus,
(truncate 1000! 1000) is 1000.0 and has nothing to the 
right of the decimal (i.e., no remainder.)

Given this, you know that (truncate 1000!/((1000!/1000) - 1)) =
the other answer minus 1 to the left of the decimal and a non-zero 
Thus, both the left and right differ from the other answer.

(defun factorial (n)
  (if (zerop n)
    (* n (factorial (1- n)))))

(defun test (n)
  (setf n (factorial n))
  ;;get rid of the least 3 significant digits
  (let ((denominator (truncate n 1000)))
    (multiple-value-bind (left1 right1)
                         (truncate n denominator)
      (multiple-value-bind (left2 right2)
                           (truncate n (1+ denominator))
        (format t "The values to the left are ~:[not ~]equal~%~
          the right are ~:[not ~]equal"
                (= left1 left2)
                (= right1 right2))))))

;;;; output from test
? (test 1000)
The values to the left are not equal the right are not equal