From: bill
Subject: Re: recursion
Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.91.950518155654.15711C-100000@unicorn>
On Wed, 10 May 1995, Simon Brooke wrote:

> (defun DrawCircles (list-of-circles limit)
>   (cond ((null list-of-circles) nil)	;; shouldn't happen
> 	((< (diameter (car list-of-circles)) limit) nil)
> 					;; normal terminating
> 					;; condition: circles too
> 					;; small to bother with
> 	(t (DrawCircles
> 	    (mapcan 
> 	     '(lambda (circle) 
> 		(DrawCircle circle)	;; actually render it
> 		(list
> 		 (GenerateChild circle)	;; and generate data
> 		 (GenerateChild circle))) ;; for two children
> 	     list-of-circles)
> 	    limit))))

	Thanks Simon, this is the best reply I've had so far.  It's a very
efficient way of solving my problem.
Thanks also to all the other people who replied to my original post.
