From: Jeff Dalton
Subject: Re: Q: How do I compile Lisp source into an executable?
Message-ID: <>
In article <··········> ····· (Itrat Khan) writes:
>Is there a way to compile a Lisp program? I've read the FAQ which makes
>it sound like you can't or that it's not a standard thing. I'm using
>GNU Common Lisp 1.0 for AIX to run a short LISP program. I'd like this 
>program to be a standalone executable. Currently, I do something like 
>  gcl < source.lsp
>to run my Lisp code. Unfortunately, this dumps out all the "interactive"
>stuff like the results of a setq and stuff. This still works for me 
>since all my output goes to files, but it's ugly. (Can you turn this 
>output off?)
>I find it hard to believe that something as old as Lisp can't be compiled
>into an executable. I'd appreciate any suggestions or explanations about
>compiling Lisp programs. For now, I'll just keep using the interpreter.

Distinguish between:
    Lisp (a family of languages),
    Common Lisp (one language in the family),
    Common Lisp implementations.

Lisp (the family) is fairly old.  The present-day languages and
implementations are less so.  A number of Lisps are small and easy
to implement as interpreters.  A compiler is harder.  So there
are a large number of Lisp interpreters out there.  However,
Lisp compilers are fairly common.  Almost all Common Lisp
implementations have a compiler of one sort or another.
Most compile to machine code, but there's at least one byte-compiler.

Whether a compiler exists and how it's used depends on the language
and the implementation.

In Common Lisp, you can use the function compile-file to compile
a file of Lisp code.  The load function can be used to load both
compiled and non-compiled files.  In GCL on ondinary Unix machines
(I don't know about the AIX version), you can save an image with
si:save-system.  This saves the whole GCL system, plus any code
you've loaded in.  The result is kind of large.  Other Lisps
might let you save something much smaller.


  Run GCL and type

    (compile-file "mycode.lsp")

  [Optionally] exit and rerun it (so you get a cleaner image).  Then:

    (load "mycode.o")

    (si:save-system "mysystem")

The file mysystem should be an executable.  It will behave like an
ordinary GCL except that your code will be built-in.  However, you
can change its behavior by redefining si:top-level.  When doing
this, I use the following, which I define in different ways for
different Common Lisps (this is the AKCL/GCL version):

  (defun save-image (filename top-level-fn)
    (setf (symbol-function 'si:top-level)
    (si:save-system filename))

I also define things like this (again the AKCL/GCL versions):

(defun argc ()

(defun argv (n) ; -> string or nil
  (if (< n (si:argc))
      (si:argv n)

And here's an example of a top-level fn that can be installed as
si:top-level (as above):

(defun a-top-level ()
  (handler-bind ((condition #'last-resort-condition-handler))
    (bye 0)))

(defun top-level-init ()
  (let ((init-file-p t)
        (i 1))
    (labels ((arg ()
               (argv i))
             (pop-arg ()
               (prog1 (arg) (incf i))))
        (when (null (arg))
        (case (intern (string-upcase (arg)))
          (-load    (pop-arg) (load (pop-arg)))
          (-break   (pop-arg) (break "~A" '-break))
          (-eval    (pop-arg) (eval (read-from-string (pop-arg))))

An alternative to building a large image is to write a shell script
that runs GCL (or perhaps a modified GCL) and tells it to load
your compiled code.  By a "modified GCL" I have in mind that you
would save a full image, but it would be one that you could use
in a number of different cases.  For instance, you might provide
convenient command-line arguments as in a-top-level above.

-- jd