From: Myriam Abramson
Subject: automatic backtrace
Message-ID: <>
I am running lisp in the background and I would like (actually, I am quite desperate)
to turn on backtrace in case of an error.

I am using CMUCL, but I don't think the implementation matters.  

What I did below doesn't give me the correct backtrace but might be helpful to
understand what I would like to accomplish.


;;;cmucl -load thisfilename > thisfilename.out &
(setf *terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream (make-concatenated-stream)

(setf *debug-io* *standard-output*)

(defun test1 (x)
  (test2 x))

(defun test2 (x)

  (test3 x))

(defun test3 (x)
  (ecase x
    (1 "test")
    (2 "test")
    (3 "test")))

(handler-case (test1 4)
  (error (condition)
     (format t "~%~A" condition)


