From: Joerg Hoehle
Subject: Building a CMUCL core with load-foreign on Solaris2
Message-ID: <4ajnha$>

In order to generate and load a core containing calls to
load-foreign, I previously used something like
(ext:save-lisp "library:him95.core" :purify t
	       :init-function ;; CMU-17f
	       #'(lambda ()
		   (setq system::*foreign-segment-free-pointer* sys::foreign-segment-start)
		   (system::load-object-file (ext:unix-namestring "library:clm.obj"))
		   (system::load-object-file (ext:unix-namestring "library:knipcms2.obj"))
		   (setq sys::*previous-linked-object-file* ())
	       :load-init-file t)
whereas the .obj files were the files like /tmp/tmp1485A left after
the execution of ext:load-foreign and indicated by

It appears that under Solaris, this variable is NIL and /tmp is empty,
so I wonder how to generate a core containing foreign object modules.

Thanks for any help,
 	Joerg Hoehle.
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