From: Joe Buck
Subject: Re: allocator and GC locality (was Re: cost of malloc)
Message-ID: <3vths0$>
Scott Wheeler <······> writes:
>] Surely you are not claiming that a Pascal/BASIC-type string arrangement 
>] in memory is going to run at least 3x faster than a typical C++ string? 
>] This strains credibility.

········ (Dennis O'Connor -FT-~) writes:
>"strlen" sure would. :-)

Dennis, in the ANSI/ISO draft standard for C++ "string" refers to a
class object, not to the standard C null-terminated character array.
It's quite likely that vendors will implement this in much the same
way Pascal and Basic implement strings, in which case strlen is an
inline function that returns the count field.

-- Joe Buck 	<·····>	(not speaking for Synopsys, Inc)
Anagrams for "information superhighway":	Enormous hairy pig with fan
						A rough whimper of insanity