From: Geert-Jan van Opdorp
Subject: Restart-case question
Message-ID: <>
I would like to have the `:interactive' part (and maybe
also the body) of a restart access the condition that 
triggerd it, much in the same way as the condition
is available for the `:test' function.

I want this because I want the user to choose
a value from a list that is composed in the
lexical environment where the error is signaled.

I feel I'm trying to use `restart-case' in a
way it is not meant for; I guess that since what I
want to achieve is so common there is an elegant solution.

The problem occurs in the `:interactive' part of the
restart-case call:

(define-condition value-error (error)

(define-condition no-values (value-error)
  (:report (lambda (condition stream)
	     (format stream "No value computed."))))

(define-condition ambigious (value-error)
  (:report (lambda (condition stream)
	     (format stream "Ambigious values computed: ~A"
		     (slot-value condition 'choice-list)))))

(defun set-a-value ()
  (let ((some-lexical-var (form))
        (values (compute-values)))
      ((rest values)
	  (error 'ambigious :choice-list values))		   
      ((null values)
	  (error 'no-values :choice-list (get-alternatives some-lexical-var)))
      (T (setf (a-place) (first values))))))

(restart-case (set-a-value)
   (choose-value (new-value)
        :report "Choose a value."
	:test (lambda (condition)
		(typep condition 'value-error)
	   (lambda ()
	     (let (;;
		   ;; ***Here I want to get the list out of the condition:***
		   (choice-list (slot-value CONDITION 'choice-list))
		   (index 0))
	       (dolist (val choice-list)
		 (format *query-io* "~&~D ~A~%" (incf index) val))
	       (nth (progn (format *query-io* "~&Table nr: ")
       (setf (a-place) new-value))))

I could ofcourse use a dynamic variable, or put the whole restart-case
in the lexical context where the choice-list is known, but this seems
not the right way to me. 

I would be happy if anyone could explain how I should achieve
the desired effect, or maybe could point me to a good example
of the use of the condition system.
From: Geert-Jan van Opdorp
Subject: Re: Restart-case question
Message-ID: <>
> I could ofcourse use a dynamic variable,

I meant a global variable.
