From: Jan Deleeuw
Message-ID: <>
The UCLA Statistics Home Page has been reorganized, in such a way that
rapid access to the core areas of the archive (the Lisp documentation,
the Xlisp-Stat code archives, the LaTeX and GNU manuals) is now possible.


The Xlisp-Stat code archives now have their own html files. You can get
there directly 


The archives are growing on a daily basis, with original statistics
software developed all over the world, with ports from Common Lisp
and from the basic numeric FORTRAN libraries, and with many

You can get to the same directory more efficiently by using


or by using good old anonymous ftp to

The ftp server on this computer is the smart one from the UofW:
thus if you want to copy a directory called foo to your machine
you say get foo.tar.gz, and the ftp server will do the tarring
and gzipping for you.
Jan de Leeuw; UCLA Statistics Program; UCLA Statistical Consulting
US mail: 8118 Math Sciences, 405 Hilgard Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1554
phone (310)-825-9550; fax (310)-206-5658; email: ·······