From: Charles Randolph Hunter
Subject: GCL 1.1 execution problems...
Message-ID: <>
I am not sure that this is the most appropriate group for this 
question, but here goes. I have been trying to compile GCL for gcc for DJGPP  
( DOS 32bit ) and Everything compiles perfectly, but when I go to execute it
claims that it cannot find the system directory.. since I am new to the LSIP 
world I really don't know what the hell it is talking about. 8-)
I looked in the source I was executing and it uses arg 1 as the 
"system directory" but no matter what directory I place in there, it says it 
can't find it. Are those USER COMPLIER etc references to environment variables?
If so, I have them set. ( except for LISP.. I don't know what to set that to ) 
I have tried directories with forward slashes like normal 
DJGPP compiled programs allow [ like unix ] and with backslashes...
can anyone be of any help? Or even better.. if someone has GCL already 
compiled for DOS and working, please send me the binaries or 
point me to an ftp site! 8-)

		Thanks for your time,

				Charles Hunter

------- some information -----

sample output of execution:

% raw_gcl test_dir < gcldos.lsp

Unrecoverable error: can't get the system directory.


(in-package "COMPILER")
(in-package "SYSTEM")
(in-package "USER")
(in-package "LISP")

(lisp::in-package "SLOOP")
;;Appropriate for Austin

(in-package "USER")
(progn (allocate 'cons 100) (allocate 'string 40)
 (system:init-system) (gbc t)
 (si::multiply-bignum-stack 25)
 (or lisp::*link-array*
  (setq lisp::*link-array*
     (make-array 500 :element-type 'fixnum :fill-pointer 0)))
 (use-fast-links t)(setq compiler::*cc* "gcc -DVOL=volatile")(si::build-symbol-table)
(setq compiler::*cmpinclude* "<cmpinclude.h>") (load #"../cmpnew/cmpmain.lsp") (gbc t) (load #"../cmpnew/lfun_list.lsp")
 (gbc t) (load #"../cmpnew/cmpopt.lsp") (gbc t)
(load #"../lsp/auto.lsp") (gbc t)
(defun si::src-path (x) (si::string-concatenate "/gcl/" x))
 (when compiler::*cmpinclude-string*
  (with-open-file (st "../h/cmpinclude.h")
	((tem (make-array (file-length st) :element-type 'standard-char
			  :static t)))
      (if (si::fread tem 0 (length tem) st)
	  (setq compiler::*cmpinclude-string* tem)))))
 ;;compile-file is in cmpmain.lsp

 (setf (symbol-function 'si:clear-compiler-properties)
       (symbol-function 'compiler::compiler-clear-compiler-properties))
; (load "../lsp/setdoc.lsp")
 (setq system::*old-top-level* (symbol-function 'system:top-level))
 (defun system::gcl-top-level nil
  (when (> (system:argc) 1)
	(setq system:*system-directory* (system:argv 1)))
  (when (>= (system:argc) 5)
	(let ((system::*quit-tag* (cons nil nil))
	      (system::*quit-tags* nil) (system::*break-level* '())
	      (system::*break-env* nil) (system::*ihs-base* 1)
	      (system::*ihs-top* 1) (system::*current-ihs* 1)
	      (*break-enable* nil))
	      '(let ((system::flags (system:argv 4)))
		    (setq system:*system-directory*
			  (pathname (system:argv 1)))
		    (compile-file (system:argv 2) :output-file
		     (system:argv 3) :o-file
		     (case (schar system::flags 1) (#\0 nil) (#\1 t)
			   (t (system:argv 5)))
		     (case (schar system::flags 2) (#\0 nil) (#\1 t)
			   (t (system:argv 6)))
		     (case (schar system::flags 3) (#\0 nil) (#\1 t)
			   (t (system:argv 7)))
		     (case (schar system::flags 4) (#\0 nil) (#\1 t)
			   (t (system:argv 8)))
		     (if (char-equal (schar system::flags 0) #\S) t
	     (bye (if compiler::*error-p* 1 0))))
  (format t "GCL (GNU Common Lisp)  ~A~%~a~%" "Version(1.617) Tue Nov 24 11:34:34 CST 1992"
	"Contains Enhancements by W. Schelter")
     (setq si::*ihs-top* 1)

  (in-package 'system::user) (incf system::*ihs-top* 2)
  (funcall system::*old-top-level*))
 (setq si::*gcl-version* 600) 
 (setq si::*gcl-version* '617)(defun lisp-imp'lementation-version nil (format nil "1-~a" si::*gcl-version*))
 (setq si:*inhibit-macro-special* t)
 ;(setq *modules* nil)
 (gbc t) (system:reset-gbc-count)
 (allocate 'cons 200)
 (defun system:top-level nil (system::gcl-top-level))
 (unintern 'system)
 (unintern 'lisp)
 (unintern 'compiler)
 (unintern 'user)
 (system:save-system "saved_gcl") (bye)
 (defun system:top-level nil (system::gcl-top-level))
 (save "saved_gcl") (bye))