From: Christopher Hoover
Subject: Re: underflow/overflow problem in LUCID
Message-ID: <357q04$>
In article <··················>,
Susan Slotnick  <·········@CMU.EDU> wrote:
>I hope that this is the right place to post this query.
>I am porting an application from Allegro Common LISP to LUCID CL (don't
>ask..) On a calculation that worked fine in Allegro, I now get an
>overflow (or underflow) message, erratically.
>For example:
>-> temp
>   19333.351
> > (exp temp)
> >> Error: A condition of type FLOATING-POINT-OVERFLOW occurred.
> "Unknown Foreign Function":   etc.
>The thing is, I don't always get the error! Sometimes I do the same
>thing and see: 
>-> (exp temp)

Hmmm ... I can't explain the ``unknown foreign function'' business.
Never seen it before.  (What platform are you on?)

Onto the general problem.  You have three choices:

1. Use the condition system.

> (handler-case
      (exp 19333.351)
   (lcl:floating-point-overflow ()

2. Within a given dynamic extent turn off overflow traps:

> (lcl:with-floating-point-traps
      ('(division-by-zero floating-point-underflow)
        '(floating-point-overflow floating-point-invalid-operation))
    (exp 19333.351))
#<float :plus-infinity>

The work that LCL:WITH-FLOATING-POINT-TRAPS does isn't free, so avoid
it in any tight inner loops.

3. Turn off overflows indefinitely:

> (setf (lcl:enabled-floating-point-traps)
        '(division-by-zero floating-point-underflow))
(division-by-zero floating-point-underflow)
> (exp 19333.351)
#<float :plus-infinity>

This is a very cheap solution.

Hope this helps.

-- Chris.