From: David M Chelberg
Subject: Lucid Common Lisp under Solaris
Message-ID: <356vbg$>
Due to the unfortunate state of affairs at Lucid, perhaps someone out
there can help us out.  Our computer staff recently installed Lucid
4.1.1 for solaris.  It seemed to be fine until I tried compiling a
simple program, then I found out it bombs! Does anyone know of any
solution for this problem?  Is anyone else out there running lucid
under solaris? 

 -- Prof. David Chelberg (···

> (compile-file "~/hw2.lisp") 
;;; Reading source file "home/dynamo/b/dmc/hw2.lisp"
Not enough foreign stack to handle interrupt: ~
                                 Handling overflow first.
Expanding multitasking main foreign stack due to overflow.
Not enough foreign stack to handle interrupt: ~
                                 Handling overflow first.
Expanding multitasking main foreign stack due to overflow.
Not enough foreign stack to handle interrupt: ~

... much of the same deleted

Expanding multitasking main lisp stack due to overflow.
Expanding multitasking main lisp stack due to overflow.
Expanding multitasking main lisp stack due to overflow.
Expanding multitasking main lisp stack due to overflow.
Expanding multitasking main lisp stack due to overflow.
Expanding multitasking main lisp stack due to overflow.
Stack pointer before interrupt wasn't on any known stack
Stack pointer after interrupt wasn't on any known stack
Attempting to print interrupt data.
Sigstate:   996748
 sq (= nil)                         :   890005
 signal                             :       12
 code                               :        0
 sigcontext ptr                     :   9968C0
 siginfo ptr                        :        0
 sigregisters ptr                   : ABADFACE
 sigport ptr                        :   996730
 mask_0                             :        0
 mask_1                             :        0
 sp_before                          : EF7D3F88
 sp_after                           : EF7D3E18
 pc_before                          :   936AF8
 pc_to_resume_at                    :   936AF8
 fp_before                          : EF7D3E18
 cp_before                          :        7
 synchronous_p                      :        0
 logical_signal                     : 0
 deferred_signal                    :        0
 deferred_code                      :        0
 foreign_context_p                  :        0
 lisp_will_handle_signal_p          :        0
 lisp_will_restart_scheduler_p      :        0
 lisp_status_bits                   :        0
 c_status_bits                      :        0
 lisp_stack_status                  : WILD-FRONTIER
 foreign_stack_status               : INSIDE-CURRENT-STACK
 stack_params_mask                  :      BFC
 lisp_stack_origin                  : EFF9FFFC
 lisp_stack_frame_pointer           : EF7D3E18
 lisp_stack_frontier                : EF7CFE18
 lisp_stack_soft_limit              : EF7FFFFC
 lisp_stack_hard_limit              : EF7CFFFC
 foreign_stack_origin               : EFFFFFFC
 foreign_stack_frontier             : EF7D3F88
 foreign_stack_soft_limit           : EF611B96
 foreign_stack_hard_limit           : ABADFACE
 previous_lisp_stack_origin         :   C9BFFC
 previous_lisp_stack_soft_limit     : ABADFACE
 previous_foreign_stack_origin      : ABADFACE
 previous_foreign_stack_soft_limit  : ABADFACE
 lisp_stack_guards_remaining        : ABADFACE
 foreign_stack_guards_remaining     : ABADFACE
 misc1                              : ABADCAFE
 misc2                              : ABADCAFE
 misc3                              : ABADCAFE
 misc4                              : ABADCAFE
current (multitasking) stack:
 stack-group-frame-pointer    : EFF9F0C0
 stack-group-bottom           : EFF9FFFC
 stack-group-original-fp      : EFF9FFC0
 stack-group-soft-top         : EF7FFFFC
 stack-group-hard-top         : EF7CFFFC
 stack-group-foreign-bottom   : EFFFFFFC
 stack-group-foreign-soft-top : EF611B96
 stack-group-foreign-hard-top : EFF9FFFC
 stack-group-state   : ACTIVE
previous (multitasking) stack:
 stack-group-frame-pointer    :   C9BCB0
 stack-group-bottom           :   C9BFFC
 stack-group-original-fp      :   C9BF78
 stack-group-soft-top         :   C6FFFC
 stack-group-hard-top         :   C3FFFC
 stack-group-foreign-bottom   :   CF3FFC
 stack-group-foreign-soft-top :   CCBFFC
 stack-group-foreign-hard-top :   C9BFFC
 stack-group-state   : ACTIVE

Stopping lisp.  Type fg to resume.

Stopped (signal)
(wd now: ~)

;;; Typing fg causes it to print this same message again!

From: Martin Zaidel
Subject: Re: Lucid Common Lisp under Solaris
Message-ID: <>
In article <··········> ··· (David M Chelberg) writes:

   > (compile-file "~/hw2.lisp") 
   ;;; Reading source file "home/dynamo/b/dmc/hw2.lisp"
   Not enough foreign stack to handle interrupt: ~
				    Handling overflow first.
   Expanding multitasking main foreign stack due to overflow.
   Not enough foreign stack to handle interrupt: ~
				    Handling overflow first.
   Expanding multitasking main foreign stack due to overflow.
   Not enough foreign stack to handle interrupt: ~

   ... much of the same deleted

This behaviour is due to a Solaris 2.3 kernel patch.  The explanation
I got from a Lucid rep (before they filed) was:

     > Not enough foreign stack to handle interrupt: ~
     >                                  Handling overflow first.
     > Expanding multitasking main foreign stack due to overflow.

     This is very likely a known problem which occurs due to conflicts
     between Lisp and the Sun mandatory kernal patches (I cannot remember
     nor find which exact patch it is).  I am including below a patch
     that we would like for you to try and that has worked for others
     experiencing the same problems.  This DBCS patch should work (and
     therefore should probably be used) with any DBCS release of
     LCL/Solaris 4.1.x.  

You need patch bug-7276.

From: Christopher Hoover
Subject: Re: Lucid Common Lisp under Solaris
Message-ID: <357qj9$>
In article <··········>,
David M Chelberg <···> wrote:
>Due to the unfortunate state of affairs at Lucid, perhaps someone out
>there can help us out.  Our computer staff recently installed Lucid
>4.1.1 for solaris.
>> (compile-file "~/hw2.lisp") 
>;;; Reading source file "home/dynamo/b/dmc/hw2.lisp"
>Not enough foreign stack to handle interrupt: ~
>                                 Handling overflow first.
>Expanding multitasking main foreign stack due to overflow.
>Not enough foreign stack to handle interrupt: ~
>                                 Handling overflow first.
>... much of the same deleted
>Expanding multitasking main lisp stack due to overflow.
>Stack pointer before interrupt wasn't on any known stack
>Stack pointer after interrupt wasn't on any known stack
>Attempting to print interrupt data.

There was a patch for this.  I think this is bug 7276, but it's been a
long while -- like the beginning of the year -- and I've been on a
holiday since then :-).

Don't use a ~ (tilde) in pathnames or LCL:RUN-PROGRAM/LCL:SHELL and
you'll be mostly OK.

Send me e-mail (address below) if you want to try a copy of 7276.

-- Chris.