From: Syed Zaeem Hosain
Subject: Re: Lucid
Message-ID: <>
In article ···,  ····@MACC.WISC.EDU (STEB) writes:
>Perhaps if no company sees fit to buy Lucids lisp they will dump it all
>(source, executables, etc.) onto the net ala TI's PC Scheme...

Hmmm ... I did not know TI's PC Scheme is now available somewhere on
the Net. My old purchased copy does not run on my system anymore, so it
would be fun to play around with the sources and see what I could do
with it.

Can someone please provide me a site for this? I glanced in the Scheme
FAQ but did not see it (could have missed it, I suppose).

>Nahh, doubt it ... But it would help the Lisp community far more than anything
>else they could do at this point...

Perhaps. But TI has other stuff to sell to fall back on. Lucid would
not survive as a company if they did this.


| Syed Zaeem Hosain          P. O. Box 610097            (408) 441-7021 |
| Z Consulting Group        San Jose, CA 95161             ··· |