From: ···· Thu Oct 27 09:34:16 1994
Subject: *Lisp Information needed
Message-ID: <1994Oct27.175057.18613@Princeton.EDU>

i'm writing an essay about *Lisp, the CM extension of Common Lisp,
in order to compare it with other systems.
Unfortunately it has become quite difficult to get some information
bout this language and the CM5 architecture.

If you have any information how to retrieve some Manuals/descriptions, etc.
please send me an E-mail.

Best Regards
                       __        ______
      /\  /\          /\ \      |  ___ \   Markus Dahm
     /\ \/\ \        /  \ \     | | | \ \
    /  \/  \ \      / /\ \ \    | | |  | ) Voice  : +49 (0)30 805 61 34
   / /\  /\ \ \    / / /\ \ \   | | |  | | Office : +49 (0)30 8062-2559
  / / /\/_/\ \ \  / / /--\ \ \  | | |__/ ) E-Mail : ·······
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