From: Professor Simon Peyton-Jones
Subject: FPCA95: second call for papers (Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture)
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	    7th SIGPLAN/SIGARCH/WG2.8 Conference on

	Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture 1995

		La Jolla, California, June 26-28, 1995


The seventh conference on Functional Programming Languages and
Computer Architectures will cover the design and theory of functional
programming languages, their applications, and their implementations
on both parallel and sequential architectures. Topics include (but are
not limited to): language design, type theory, formal semantics;
compilation techniques for sequential and parallel machines,
compile-time analysis, optimisations, program transformations; partial
evaluation; programming methods; generalisations of the functional
programming paradigm for state, control, non-determinism, and
parallelism; special-purpose functional languages and architectures;
architectural and system support for storage management, for garbage
collection, and for input/output in functional languages.  Papers
accepted for the conference must contain material not presented
previously in any formal forum.

Authors are also encouraged to submit papers showing how
insights from functional programming can be applied to other areas in
computer science; for example, the description and transformation of
VLSI circuit specifications, the systematic derivation of systolic
and data-parallel architectures and algorithms, and so on.

Submissions will be judged on relevance, originality, significance,
correctness, and clarity.  Each paper should explain its contribution in
both general and technical terms, identifying what has been
accomplished, saying why it is significant, and comparing it with
previous work. Authors should make every effort to make the technical
content of their papers understandable to a broad audience.

Authors should submit 14 copies of a full paper (up to 10 pages,
typeset 10-point on 16-point spacing in two-column conference style
format, printed double-sided if possible).  In addition, each
submission should be accompanied by electronic mail to
······, with a single postal address and electronic
mail address for communication, and complete title, author and
affiliation information.  For uniformity of submissions, a LaTeX style
file is available by electronic mail request from
······, or by FTP from in
pub/fpca95/fpca95.sty.  There is a WWW page for FPCA95 at

Submissions must be received by December 31, 1994.  The program chair
will either reject or arbitrarily truncate excessively long
papers.  Authors of accepted papers will be expected to sign a
copyright release form.

General Chair                     Program Chair                      
~~~~~~~~~~~~~			  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~                      
John Williams                     Simon Peyton Jones                 
IBM Almaden Research Center       Department of Computing Science    
650 Harry Road                    Glasgow University                 
San Jose, CA 95120-6099, USA      G12 8QQ, Scotland                          
+1-408-927-1888                   +44-41-330-4500                    
········	  ·······          

Program Committee
Lennart Augustsson, Chalmers University
Henry Baker, Nimble Inc
Guy Blelloch, Carnegie Mellon University
Wim Bohm, Colorado State University
Andrew Gordon, University of Cambridge
Pieter Hartel, University of Amsterdam
Mark Jones, University of Nottingham
John Launchbury, Oregon Graduate Institute
Christian Lengauer, University of Passau
Xavier Leroy, INRIA
John Mitchell, Stanford University
John O'Donnell, Glasgow University