From: Ray Hann
Subject: buiding GCL 1.0 on Irix 4.0.5
Message-ID: <38640p$>
I'm trying to compile GCL 1.0 on an Indigo running Irix 4.0.5.
The build gets to : 

cc -DVOL=volatile -Olimit 798 -G 8 -I/usr/local/gcl-1.0/o  -I/usr/include/bsd -c  -I../h -g  ../c/unixfasl.c

and the gives the error:

/usr/include/syms.h:101: cmplrs/stsupport.h: No such file or directory
*** Error code 1


I don't have this include file, is there a patch for this?
Has anyone else ran into this problem?

Thanks in advance,


Ray Hann			|     
NASA Lewis Research Center     	|    
Cleveland, Ohio  44135         	| email: ······ 
Deep Magic in Scheme
==>(set! x (eval '(define (set! a b) (sows_ear->silk_purse C++-program))))