From: Chad Woodford
Subject: Lisp Font Lock
Message-ID: <>
I'm using Lucid Emacs version 10 and editing LISP files. I really like
the default lisp-mode for editing LISP files that comes with LEmacs but
when I load all of the fi: files (Franz Allegro Emacs LISP interface),
I get a different lisp-mode that's not quite as good.  

what I'd like to do is use the LEmacs font-lock for editing files and
the fi: stuff for running a LISP listener.  I'm not sure about how
to do this.  Can anyone help?


|Chad Woodford         |     Working toward my MS in AI        |
|Clarkson University   |    ········      |    
|Potsdam, NY           | |           
   Fertility is hereditary.  If your parents didn't have any 
                 children, neither will you.