From: ············
Subject: Re: Why do people like C? (Was: Compari
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Subject: Re: Why do people like C? (Was: Comparison: Beta - Lisp)

In article <··········> ···· "Jeff Dalton" writes:

> As well as ignoring lots of other evidence that slow is often
> acceptable.  Windows is pretty slow.  People run Macs w/ the
> cache off.  They use shells and other interpreters.

This is true. There are also people whp can't understand why anyone
would use Windows. I encountered one of them a few weeks ago, and it
was a while before they finally accepted by justification for using
Window, which was simply, "because I _can_". This seems to be a hard
concept for them to grasp.

I could also have said, "because I consider my time more important
than my machine's", but that's missing what I feel is the _real_
point, which is that I can do it if I choose to. It doesn't have
to be "optimal", esp since that word can be so hard to define in
this context.

Perhaps we should continue this by email, as I think we've reached
an old subject. ;-)
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