From: Mike Fulkerson
Subject: BFS Tree Problem - HELP!!
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Here's my problem:  Given a tree represented by nexted lists, I need to 
replace a subtree with an entirely new subtree.  For example, using
a simple equation, 2*(3+5)+9, parsed into a tree:

             / \
            *   9
           / \       is represented by '(+ (* 2 (+ 3 5)) 9) 
          2   +            (in real life, my trees are much deeper)
             / \
            3   5

The problem is to insert a new subtree (replacing the old) given a node
number using a level-order (breath first) traversal.  Continuing with the
example: given, "replace node 4 with '(* 8 4)," yields:

             / \
            *   9
           / \       is now represented by '(+ (* 2 (* 8 4)) 9) 
          2   *           
             / \
            8   4

Using a depth-first search, this is easily accomplished through recursion and
using a setf.  However, using breath-first requires a queue which internally
duplicates the original structure, and therefore requires another method which
continues to elude me.  Please Email me, or repost a solution.  

Mike Fulkerson
Dept of Computing Sciences
Villanova University