From: Henry G. Baker
Subject: Re: Quick Sort in LISP?
Message-ID: <>
In article <··········> ···· (Marty Hall) writes:
>Actually, IMHO it is not quite that trivial, especially for beginners,
>to write a quicksort algorithm on *lists* in Lisp. Unfortunately many
>people forget to account for the O(N) time required to access the Nth
>entry of the list or to APPEND when there are N entries in the first
>list, and end out with an O(N^2 lg N) average case algorithm (O(N^3)
>worst case).  Hardly an achievement in sorting :-).
>Some solutions involve using an intermediate tree structure where you
>don't append the pieces, then making one sweep (O(N)) through at the
>end to put it all together, or simply copying the list to an array,
>sorting the array, and copying it back. But, especially on shorter
>lists, this reduces the main advantage of Quicksort, which is that it
>has low constant factors as compared to most other O(N lg N) sorting
>algorithms. I would in fact be interested in seeing some good
>implementations if anybody had them lying around.

Both vector and list versions of Quicksort in Lisp are discussed in:

"A 'Linear Logic' Quicksort".  ACM Sigplan Notices 29,2 (Feb. 1994), 13-18.

Also available in my ftp directory in compressed Postscript (.ps.Z) form.

      Henry Baker
      Read for info on ftp-able papers.
From: Marty Hall
Subject: Re: Quick Sort in LISP?
Message-ID: <>
In article <················> ······ (Henry G. Baker) writes:

>Both vector and list versions of Quicksort in Lisp are discussed in:
>"A 'Linear Logic' Quicksort".  ACM Sigplan Notices 29,2 (Feb. 1994), 13-18.
>Also available in my ftp directory in compressed Postscript (.ps.Z) form.
>      Henry Baker
>      Read for info on ftp-able papers.

I hadn't gotten to that paper yet, but I want to reiterate what an
earlier poster said, that the papers here are a great resource. I
highly recommend them. (Thanks!)
						- Marty
(proclaim '(inline skates))