From: Luke
Subject: Anyone using LEP ?
Message-ID: <781440686snx@sccomp.UUCP>
In article <·····················> ······· writes:

 > I think LEP is part of Allegro only, BTW.
PS I am using Lucid Common Lisp.

 > fi:lisp-eval-or-compile-current-buffer: an interactive Lisp function.
 > (fi:lisp-eval-or-compile-current-buffer COMPILEP)
Thanks this was very helpful and it is quite easy to use. BTW the
function on my system is called (l-lisp-eval-or-compile-current-buffer)
but that is probably because I invoked it with M-x command.

I only wonder how to define the optional COMPILEP argument. With meta-x
he doesn't allow me to prefix an argument. But that's minor.

Anyway thanks!
