From: Matthew "Wozz" Cable
Subject: garnet
Message-ID: <>
Question for all you..

I'm trying to get garnet up and running on my Linux box and I get the 
following errors after loading garnet-loader.lisp

> (load "garnet-loader.lisp")
;; Loading file garnet-loader.lisp ...** Loading Garnet Version 2.2 from :EXTERN
...Loading Garnet ...

 %%%%%%%% Loading CLX %%%%%%%%%

*** - A file with name clx does not exist
1. Break>

So...where is this mysterious CLX file and how can I get this to work.


       \|/		  ····	   Matthew Cable
      <0-0>		·······	   MTUC Jackson Labs
----o00-O-00o-----     Tufts University
     GCS/MU -d+ -p+ c++++ l++ u++ e+ m++(*) s++ !n h+ f* g+ w++ t+ r- y+