From: Kris A. Schneider
Subject: Efficient way to generate permutations?
Message-ID: <>
Hi all,

I'm currently using something like the following code to generate a
permutation of *N* integers (1 through *N* inclusive) in an *N*-length array:

(defconstant *N* 100)
(defvar *PERM* (make-array *N* :initial-element 0)
	"Array to hold permutation")
(defvar *CHECK* (make-array *N* :initial-element 0)
	"Flags to check if a number has already been generated")

(defun permute ()
  (dotimes (i *N*)
    (let ((j (do ((r (1+ (random *N*)) (1+ (random *N*))))
                 ((zerop (aref *CHECK* (1- r))) r))))
      (setf (aref *CHECK* (1- j)) 1)
      (setf (aref *PERM* i) j))))

The do loop that eventually returns a value to bind to "j" keeps generating
random numbers until it finds one that hasn't been generated yet.  The
appropriate "flag" is then set in the *CHECK* array and the number is added to
the permutation (the array *PERM*).  The whole do loop construct strikes me as
overkill, so I'm curious if anyone has a more effecient approach?  Thanks for
any suggestions.

Kris A. Schneider
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From: Peter Norvig
Subject: Re: Efficient way to generate permutations?
Message-ID: <PNORVIG.94May12095349@norvig.eastnews>
(defun permute (vector)
  (loop for i from (length vector) downto 1 do
    (rotatef (aref vector (- i 1)) (aref vector (random i))))
From: Daniel Nesmith
Subject: Re: Efficient way to generate permutations?
Message-ID: <>
I would be inclined to do something like the following.  ALL-PERMUTATIONS will
compute all permutations (here represented as lists), while RANDOM-PERMUTATION
will return a single random permutation.

(defun all-permutations (n)
  "Returns a list of all permutations of the integers 1 .. N.  Each
permutation is represented as a list. N must be an integer greater than 0."
  (if (= n 1)
      (list (list 1))
    (let ((other-permutes
	  (all-permutations (1- n))))
      ;; for each permutation of 1 .. n-1, stick n in at all possible
      ;; places 
	#'(lambda (seq)
           (let ((res-list nil))
             (dotimes (i n res-list)
		 (nconc (subseq seq 0 i)
			(cons n
		              (subseq seq i)))

(defun random-permutation (n)
  "Returns a list of the integers 1 .. N in some random permutation. 
N must be an integer greater than 0."
  (if (= n 1)
      (list 1)
    (let ((other-permute
	   (random-permutation (1- n)))
	  (i (random n)))
      ;; stick N in just before the I'th elt of OTHER-PERMUTE
      (if (zerop i)
          (cons n other-permute)
	(let ((spot (nthcdr (1- i) other-permute)))
          (setf (cdr spot) (cons n (cdr spot)))
