From: Marco Antoniotti
Subject: Help with CMUCL Motif Interface
Message-ID: <>

I am still having problems with CMUCL Mtoif Interface. I do not know
whether it is a problem of mine or whether there is a bug.

Here is the simple test I use (it is a modified version of the one
coming with the distribution). The problems come with the
"drawing-area" and with the "with-callback-event" function.

;;; -*- Mode: CLtL -*-

;;; cdes-ui.lisp --
;;; Simple User Interface for building state machines and invoking the
;;; supervisory building routines.
;;; $Id$

;;; History:
;;; $Log$

(use-package "XT")
(use-package "XTI")

(defvar dw nil)

(defun my-callback (widget call-data quit)
  (format t "Got callback on ~A~%" widget)
  (format t "Callback reason was ~A~%" (any-callback-reason call-data))
  (format t "Quit button is ~A~%" quit)
  (format t "Window of drawing area ~S~%is ~S~%"
	  dw (widget-window dw))

(defun test-init ()
  (let* ((shell (create-application-shell))
	 (rc (create-row-column shell "rowColumn"))
	 (quit (create-push-button-gadget rc "quitButton"
					  :label-string "Quit"))
	 (button (create-push-button-gadget rc "button"
					    :highlight-on-enter t
					    :shadow-thickness 0
					    :label-string "This is a button"))
	 (ebutton (create-push-button-gadget
		   rc "Ebutton"
		   :highlight-on-enter t
		   :shadow-thickness 0
		   :label-string "This is a funny button"))
	 (edialog (create-error-dialog rc "EDlg"
				       :dialog-title "ZUT!"
				       :message-string "ZOT!"
	 (fr (create-frame rc "FR"))
	 (draw-surface (create-drawing-area fr "DW"
					    :shadow-thickness 1
					    :width 300
					    :height 300))

    (add-callback quit :activate-callback #'quit-application-callback)
    (add-callback button :activate-callback 'my-callback quit)
    (add-callback ebutton :activate-callback #'manage-callback edialog)
    (add-callback edialog :ok-callback #'(lambda (w d &rest cd)
					   (declare (ignore w d cd))
					   (format t ">> Evviva!!!!~%")))
    (add-callback edialog :cancel-callback
		  #'(lambda (w d &rest cd)
		      (declare (ignore w d cd))
		      (format t ">> L'e` dura!!!!!~%")))
    (manage-child rc)
    (manage-children quit button ebutton)
    (manage-child fr)
    (manage-children draw-surface)
    (realize-widget shell)

    ;; Set up drwing area stuff
    (setq dw draw-surface)
    (let* ((dw-window (widget-window dw))
	   (display (xlib:window-display dw-window))
	   (screen  (first (xlib:display-roots display)))
	   (gc (xlib:create-gcontext
		:drawable dw-window
		:foreground (xlib:screen-black-pixel screen)
		:background (xlib:screen-white-pixel screen)
		:line-width 0))
      (add-callback dw
		    :input-callback #'drawing-fun
		    dw-window gc)
      (format t ">> ~S~%" (widget-window dw))

(defun drawing-fun (dw dwa-cbs &rest client-data)
  (let ((dw-window (first client-data))
	(gc (second client-data))
    (format t ">> dw = ~S~% dwa-cbs = ~S~%cd = ~S~%"
	    dw dwa-cbs client-data)
					;(inspect dwa-cbs)
    (with-callback-event (the-event dwa-cbs)
    ;;(let ((the-event (any-callback-event dwa-cbs)))
      (case (any-callback-reason dwa-cbs)
	 (format t ">> Button x ~S~%" (xti:button-event-x the-event)))

(defun test ()
  (run-motif-application 'test-init))

;;; end of file -- cdes-ui.lisp


Here is what happens when I run the test:


Starting /usr/robotics/shared/cmu-cl/17e/bin/lisp ...
ILISP V5.5  Use M-x ilisp-bug for problems and suggestions.
; Loading #p"/robust.a/student/marcoxa/.cmucl-init.lisp".
;; Loading #p"/robust.a/student/marcoxa/cl/lisp-utilities/defsystem.bytef".
CMU Common Lisp 17e, running on graphics (Sparc2)
Send bug reports and questions to your local CMU CL maintainer,
Marco Antoniotti (·······, or to
Loaded subsystems:
    Python 1.0, target SPARCstation/Sun 4
    CLOS based on PCL version:  September 16 92 PCL (f)
    CLX X Library MIT R5.01
    Motif toolkit and graphical debugger 1.0
* (load "cdes-ui.lisp")
; Loading #p"/robust.a/student/marcoxa/projects/robots/walking-des/cdes-ui.lisp".
* (test)
  (LET ((DW-WINDOW #) (GC #))
    (FORMAT T ">> dw = ~S~% dwa-cbs = ~S~%cd = ~S~%" DW DWA-CBS ...)
Warning: Variable DW-WINDOW defined but never used.
Warning: Variable GC defined but never used.

;; The warnings can easily be removed.

>> #<XLIB:WINDOW butsomi:0 50331669>
#<X Toolkit Connection, fd=7>

;; Here you click in the "drawing area".

>> dw = #<X Toolkit Widget: DRAWING-AREA 1B4988>
 dwa-cbs = #<Motif Callback -- CR-INPUT>
cd = (#<XLIB:WINDOW butsomi:0 50331669> #<XLIB:GCONTEXT butsomi:0 46137345>)

A Toolkit error has occurred.
Unsupported argument type -- BIGNUM for 4160747712

  0: [CONTINUE] Ignore problem and continue.
  1: [KILL-APP] Close current application.
  2: [ABORT   ] Return to Top-Level.

Debug  (type H for help)

(TOOLKIT-ERROR #<unavailable-arg> #<unavaliable-rest-arg>)
Source: Error finding source: 
Error in function C::DO-CALL:  Source file no longer exists:


The problem seems to be in the encoding of the event passed to the
callback which gets finally passed to the internal unexported function

Please help!

I do not know what to do next.

Marco Antoniotti - Resistente Umano
Robotics Lab		| room: 1219 - tel. #: (212) 998 3370
Courant Institute NYU	| e-mail: ·······

...e` la semplicita` che e` difficile a farsi. is simplicity that is difficult to make.
				Bertholdt Brecht