From: Barry Margolin
Subject: Re: Lisp grammars
Message-ID: <>
In article <··········@news.Hawaii.Edu> ·······@Hawaii.Edu (Jeremy T. Harrison) writes:
>I am looking for a lisp grammar (BNF form if possible).  It need not 
>comprehensive, a simple subset will do.  Do any of you know where I
>can pick up such a beast?  I appreciate any assistance which can be
>offered.  I am looking for either an ftp site, or the title of a 
>book wherein I can find such a thing.

The BNF for Lisp is extremely simple.  Below is a Bison parser for a Lisp
subset.  The complicated stuff isn't here -- it's in the lexer.  You can
download our entire Lisp subset parsing software from in

 * Grammar for yacc/bison to describe lisp syntax

#include "lisp.h"
/*#define bu_symbol bu_string	/* should eventually have its own type... */
/*#define YYSTYPE lispobj_t*/

%union {
    lispobj *bu_lispobj;

%token <bu_lispobj> NUMBER
%token <bu_lispobj> STRING
%token <bu_lispobj> SYMBOL
/* %token SHARP_QUOTE */

%token ERROR

%type <bu_lispobj> s_exp atom list s_exp_list


start		:
			{ Frecord(Qeof); }
		| s_exp
    			{ Frecord($1); } /* record the s-exp found */

s_exp		: atom
			{ $$ = $1; }
		| list
			{ $$ = $1; }
		| ERROR error
			{ YYABORT; }

atom		: NUMBER
			{ $$ = $1; }
			{ $$ = $1; }
			{ $$ = $1; }

list		: '(' ')'
			{ $$ = Qnil; }
		| '(' s_exp_list ')'
			{ $$ = $2; }
		| '(' s_exp_list '.' s_exp ')'
			{ $$ = Fnconc2($2, $4); }
    		| '\'' s_exp
			{ $$ = Fcons(Qquote, Fcons($2, Qnil)); }
		| SHARP_QUOTE s_exp
			{ $$ = Fcons(Qfunction, $2); }

s_exp_list	: s_exp
			{ $$ = Fcons($1, Qnil); }
		| s_exp_list s_exp
			{ $$ = Fnconc2($1, Fcons($2, Qnil)); }
Barry Margolin
System Manager, Thinking Machines Corp.

······          {uunet,harvard}!think!barmar