From: Armadeus
Subject: Re: Programming help needed!!dir
Message-ID: <>
In article <··········>, ······· (Ljudevit Bauer) writes:
> Hi everyone.
> I'm writting some stuff in lisp and I'm stuck.  I have a function which
> accepts two lists as arguments.  Elements of one list can be lisp or
> user-defined functions which are later used inside the function.  How do
> I assign the function to an atom so that I can call it later?  The
> function call looks like this:
>> (myfunct '((? x numberp)) '(99))
> it's supposed to return true if (numberp 99) returns true, nil
> otherwise.  I need to assign numberp to a symbol, and I have no idea how
> to do that.
> I'd appreciate any help.

(eval `(,(cddar <first formal param>) ,(car <second formal param>)))

I suggest you try and do your own work for assignments - there's more optimal
ways than the path you're following... 

		           From Martin Glanvill

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Predestination was doomed from the start.